Essential Addons for Elementor Reached 1 Million Downloads: Thank You

“Always Aim for the Moon”- a famous quote we have firmly believed in & lived by. When we first introduced Essential Addons, we always had the ambition to enhance the Elementor page building experience. Today, one of our long-lived dreams has come into a reality. We are very proud and excited to announce that Essential Addons for Elementor has reached 1 Million Downloads. It would have been impossible to achieve this amazing milestone without our users who choose us. On behalf of the  team, we would like to say ‘Thank You’ from the bottom of our hearts for your constant support.

Essential Addons for Elementor Reached 1 Million Downloads: Thank You 1

What Can You Expect Next?

From the very first day, our goal has always been satisfying the needs of our customers. With that mindset, we are constantly working on to improve the core features of Essential Addons and make it ever better. So that, our customers can get the best of our plugin and improve their Elementor Page building experiences.

Currently, we are working really hard to transform Essential Addons to a whole different degree. Our primary objective is to optimize the loading the time of the plugin. So that, it can load faster than ever before. We really believe it’s going to be a totally fantastic experience for our users.

Oh, wait! There’s more. Of course. After getting massive requests from you guys, we have recently released a few stunning widgets such as Feature List, Woo Product Collections, Image Scroller and many more. We don’t want to give you any spoilers right now but we got something big coming your way. So, Keep an eye out on our website to check out for the truly remarkable future release.

Thank You For 1 Million Downloads

Finally, this extraordinary accomplishment has made us all very proud of the diverse community we got.  Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us!

So, what’s next?  We are bringing lots of exciting new features in the near future to carry on this wonderful journey to beyond infinity together. 

Picture of Afshana Diya

Afshana Diya

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