Top 5 Best RSS Feed Plugins for WordPress

Want to keep yourself updated with your favorite websites’ new contents and share them with your site visitors? You can easily do this by using WordPress RSS Feed plugins.

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When you want to autofill your website with content from multiple sources, RSS feeds will help you out. RSS feed plugins display all the aggregated content in a readable format, and it can be a great way to boost your website engagement rates. If you have planned to go for RSS feed plugins for your website, then you have come to the right place. Read till the end to know about the best RSS feed plugins for your website.

What Is A RSS Feed & How Do They Boost Engagement?

The full form of RSS is Really Simple Syndication. Using a RSS feed helps your subscribers to get updates about new posts, and also lets you curate multiple articles from different websites.

Before the golden era of social media, RSS feed was the only way to keep subscribers updated about latest posts and website content. Visitors would subscribe to your website’s RSS feeds and all new content would come directly to their email inbox. 

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Even now RSS feeds are still being used for multiple reasons, such as auto-fill your website with the latest content, let subscribers get your sie contents immedietly , help you with SEO and so on.  Let’s find out how to manage the RSS feed. 

WordPress RSS feed plugins can fetch featured images, links, and metadata from any website. When you enable RSS feed plugins on your website, this is what it looks like in websites.

How To Figure Out Whether RSS Feeds Are Enabled Or Not 

Every WordPress built website has a default RSS feed enabled. So you can easily navigate to websites’ RSS feeds. By using the ‘/feed/’ slug with a website’s main URL you can redirect to that website’s RSS feed. Other slugs are mentioned below.

Slug Use Example

When you will redirect to any website’s RSS feed using above slugs, it will look something like this. Your site subscribers can also check out the RSS feed appearance directly. 

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This is your RSS feed in raw format. When you use RSS plugins, the content will be displayed in a more readable way. 

Why RSS Feed Is Important For Your Website? 

RSS feed works like subscribing to any Youtube channel. When you subscribe to a channel it will automatically keep notifying you about new content. Same goes for RSS feeds. Before going for a RSS feed plugin, let’s find out why it is important for you. 

💡 If you want to automate email campaigns, then RSS feeds are an efficient way to do this. 

💡 You can automate RSS feeds with your social media profiles so that any new publication will be auto shared on your social media accounts. 

💡 Also, use it to display content from different websites and showcase them on your site. This can be useful for affiliate marketers.  

💡 If you are a content marketer, your RSS feed will give you insightful ideas about content generating and marketing. 

💡 It will aggregate the latest coupons and discounts from different websites’ deals.

If you are feeling interested to include this feature in your website then you can go for the RSS plugins available in the WordPress repository. 

Top 5 Best RSS Feed Plugins For WordPress

Though WordPress comes with an RSS widget built-in, you cannot customize the display to add thumbnails, social buttons, etc. This is why most people use WordPress RSS feed plugins for more flexibility and customization. Let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress RSS feed plugins that you can use.

⭐ WP RSS Aggregator 

When you are planning to make your WordPress website into a content aggregator, WP RSS Aggregator can help you out. It is one of the popular RSS feed plugins for WordPress. With this plugin, you can import, merge, and display content from various sources within minutes.

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Here, some amazing features of WP RSS Aggregator are mentioned below. 

👉 Curate Unlimited Resources From Unlimited Sites

With WP RSS Aggregator, you can curate unlimited content from unlimited sites. This WordPress RSS Feed plugin allows you to fetch content from different sites, third parties, others blogs, news articles, and so on. It also fetches images of the articles, so that you can create a complete news portal with this plugin and provide subscribers with latest contents.  

👉 Able To Select Images To Set As Post Featured Images

If you are using the pro version, then you can select images from a curated post to set as featured images. It allows you to select any images from the post also. So, you won’t have to add additional images to the post. 

👉 Filter Out Your Content-Based Keywords, Phrases & Tags

If you are thinking of fetching the latest contents with specific keywords, then you can do that with WP RSS Aggregator. It will allow you to import, control and store only feed items or posts that contain specific keywords in either the title or their content, or specific categories and/or tags.

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WP RSS Aggregator can help you to run sites that will automatically fill up with other sites contents, but scraping full content from third-party websites may lead to copyright violation and legal trouble.

⭐ RSS Aggregator By Feedzy

RSS Aggregator by Feedzy allows you to import the latest contents from all sites within a few minutes. If you enable this plugin, it will keep fetching articles, images, and videos automatically. It will organize items into pages, posts, or custom post types.

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This plugin is a product of Themeisle.  Let’s explore the key features that Feedzy RSS Feeds has to offer. 

👉 Aggregate Unlimited Contents On Your Site

With Feedzy RSS Feed you can import unlimited contents from unlimited websites. It has no limit on curation. You can fetch contents in bulk or a single format. You can customize them as well. 

👉 Improve Your Site’s SEO Ranking

Feedzy RSS Feeds helps you to include site links from different sources. This plugin also adds affiliate IDs. As it will import content regularly, that will help your website to do better in SEO ranking. It will engage your visitor with fresh new content every day. 

👉 Able To Set Own Caching Time

Most of the time if you have subscribed to any site’s RSS Feed, then it will pull all the contents. But with Feedzy RSS Feeds, you can set the caching time. You can set how often you want to pull RSS feeds to ensure the best performance for your site.

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⭐Featured Image In RSS

This WordPress RSS Feed plugin, Featured Image In RSS will help you to pull images instantly from different sources. It can also import from running MailChimp campaigns, Infusionsoft, Hubspot, Zoho, WooCommerce products, Feedburner, Bloglovin’, Feedly, and other services that use RSS feed data. It is mainly built for marketers. You can install this plugin on your website with only a few steps.

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You can use this plugin for multipurpose. Let’s find out what Featured Image In RSS has to offer to its users. 

👉 Able To Import Tags From Feeds

If you are planning to run email campaigns with your curated site links, then you can do it easily with this plugin. It allows you to set tags, so it will automatically filter contents by tags and display them on your website. 

👉 Disable Unresponsive Images From Your Campaigns

If any imported links have unresponsive images, you can avoid them by using Featured Images In RSS. So that your campaigns will get more engagements and the bounce rate will be lower. 

👉 Collect Internal Images To Display As Feature Image

Featured images attract your site visitors to click on the link and find out what’s inside. If your aggregated links don’t contain images, then they will not be able to create a good impression. When your aggregated links don’t have images, the plugin Featured Image In RSS will fetch images from body content and display them as the featured image.

This plugin works as the missing link between your blog photos and outside tools. It sends featured images from blogs or other custom post types from your WordPress website to third party automation tools.

⭐Super RSS Reader

One of the popular WordPress RSS Feed plugin Super RSS Reader helps you to import unlimited content from multiple sites and display them on your website. You can display the curated contents in any customized format like in grids, lists, or thumbnails. It will help you to get more visitors to your website.

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It is a popular plugin for fetching images and links from other websites. Here Some major features of Super RSS Reader are mentioned. 

👉 Introducing News Ticker To Fetch News

Super RSS Reader has News Ticker to help you get full control over your imported links. You can set how many contents should fetch and when to should fetch. It will help you to prevent displaying unrelated content on your site. 

👉 Able To Create Custom Templates Imported Content

Super RSS Reader allows you to set custom templates for your site. If you are good with HTML tags, then you can even create custom templates all by yourself. This amazing feature is available in the pro version of Super RSS Reader.

Top 5 Best RSS Feed Plugins for WordPress 1

⭐ Category-Specific RSS Feed Subscription

Category Specific RSS Feed SubsCription helps you to display multiple RSS Feeds, and gives your visitor options to subscribe to any feeds they want. When your website has multi category contents, that means you will have a different reader base for different categories. 

If you send your all categories latest news to all subscribers, they might not like that. It also effects the bounce rate. With this plugin, you can create a menu and your readers can subscribe to their interested categories only.

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Category Specific RSS Feed Subscription has many amazing features to help you in controlling your RSS Feeds. Let’s explore some key features of this plugin. 

👉 Able To Create Tag For RSS Feeds

When you have so much content on your site, your visitors can’t find their interesting articles. With this plugin, you can easily create multiple tags for multiple category articles. That will increase the readability of your site’s content and engage more visitors to your site. 

👉 Improve Your SEO Performance

This plugin allows you to import versatile content on your site. When you include recently published websites, that will help your site’s SEO ranking on search engines. Category Specific RSS Feed Subscription helps you keep a clean website full of visitor engaging content.

Which RSS Plugin Should You Go For?

Hope you have got a clear idea about all the WordPress RSS feed plugins. The main purpose of these plugins is to aggregate multiple contents from multiple sites and make your website readable to your visitors. When you are looking for the best WordPress RSS Feed plugin, you must consider its present usability, pricing, growth rate, and so on. To get a clear idea about these, there’s a chart included for you.

WP RSS Aggregator

$ $59
  • 60k+

RSS Aggregator

$ $59
  • 40k+

Featured Image In RSS

$ $58
  • 30k+

Super RSS Reader

$ $19
  • 10k+

Category Specific RSS

$ $79
  • 8k+

Depending on what purpose your website is serving, go can go for any one of these plugins. They will help you in SEO ranking, promotional campaigns and engage more visitors on your website. 

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Picture of Faguni


Hello there! I am Faguni, a tech enthusiast by heart, who loves to work on diverse topics. I also love to work with new marketing strategies and different buyer persona. In my free time, I enjoy traveling & exploring new peoples.

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