Elementor 3.7 Released: Many Fixes & Requested Tweak

Wondering what’s new with Elementor? The latest Elementor 3.7 released is filled with all the highly requested feature enhancements, store personalization options, and collaboration features. Explore all the updates, changes, and new features at once to improve your website development experience.

Elementor 3.7 Released

To appear as a trustworthy website, you must come up with a desirable design pattern. When someone lands on your website, they will be compelled to put their trust in you based on the convenient user interface and experience they will be getting. The latest release of Elementor 3.7 has promised to tick all the best features a website must have. 

Easy Pay Through Stripe Button Widget In Elementor Update

The new Elementor update has brought you the Stripe button widget so that it gets easier to make payments. If you upgrade to the new version of Elementor, you no longer need to set up a whole WooCommerce store to sell products right away. Instead, you can take payments through Stripe by integrating your Elementor website with your Stripe account. 

While using the Stripe button widget, drag the widget anywhere on your page. Using Elementor, you can now style and customize the button according to your website’s theme and layout. You can even personalize the Stripe error message just by toggling the custom error message option. The Stripe Button will lead the customer to Stripe’s Checkout Page where they can complete their transaction.

Elementor 3.7 Released:

Language Compatibility For Diverse Users Of Elementor 

When you update to the Elementor 3.7 release, you will be able to unlock the language compatibility feature. During any website building, you might need to use a non-native language. While working on a site in a different language, Elementor lets you preserve the editor interface in your preferred language. 

But before you get started, you need to check if both of the languages are available in the Elementor system. From the ‘Settings’ tab, you can easily choose the preferred language from the ‘Site Language’ dropdown. If any language is not installed, you need to do it from this dashboard. And then you can Update Profile and start using this new feature in your Elementor editor.

Elementor 3.7 Released

Scrollable Number Changing Feature For Streamlined Workflow 

Elementor 3.7 release has a unique feature called number scrubber. Every field in the editor that has a numerical setting activates a number scrubber. The number scrubber adjusts the value when the mouse is moved to the left or right when you pick an element. If you look at all the popular designing tools like Abode or Figma, you will notice the number scrubber feature. This simple enhancement can immediately improve the user experience of any website.

Elementor 3.7 Released

Destination Setup Through Exit Strategy In Elementor

After the quick fix in Elementor, you have the option to exit the Elementor Editor after finishing editing a page or post to return to the WordPress dashboard, the page or post you were working on. When you initially close the editor, you can specify your choice and later modify it. 

Elementor 3.7 ReleasedThe default Exit destination page can be modified in the User Preferences panel. By selecting User Preferences from the hamburger menu, you may access them. The setting can be found toward the bottom of the preferences. From the selection, choose your new preference, then save your modifications. 

Elementor 3.7 Released

Customize More With Elementor Team Collaboration 

Before the introduction of this feature, users of Elementor users had to employ a variety of channels to communicate with one another or with clients. Although this is essential for the development of websites, back and forth communication is time-consuming. In its most recent 3.7.1 edition, Elementor introduced the Elementor Notes feature, which will significantly ease communication difficulties and improve team collaboration.

Elementor 3.7 Released

Enhance Productivity & Website Usability Using Elementor 

Check out the updated features in Elementor Pro 3.7 to see how they can help you create a website that is more uniquely yours. Besides you can have a streamlined communication system as well with the new update. If you find this blog insightful enough, subscribe to our blog to learn more. Join our community and share your valuable thoughts as well. 


Picture of Arshiana


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