If you can make an attractive hero banner right with your Elementor website, your website engagement and conversion will boost effortlessly. But you might be wondering where to start when it comes to the design of the hero banner. If that’s the case then this blog can be your ultimate guide to get the hero banner right with Elementor following the best tactics. Excited? Check it out in detail below!
Hero banner is one of the vital parts to be assured in today’s modern web design. This is the area that is in between the navigation and starting content of a website. It can be defined as the first large section of any home page or important landing page of a website.
Hero banners consist of powerful headings, high-resolution images, user dragging content, call to action, etc to attract customers right after they land on your website. First impressions about your business will create in just a few seconds among your target audience depending on how impactful your website hero banner is.
Top Reasons Why Should You Design An Interactive Hero Banner?
Already you have got a clear idea about the hero section design on the website. Right now, you are going to learn all the top reasons you should know before starting designing your hero banner in Elementor or any website. That will easily drive you to make a user-engaging hero banner on your website without any doubts. Take a look:
Make Sure Your Audience Feels Welcome
An interactive hero banner design can be defined as how beautifully you can promote your brand value in front of your audience. This will lead them to feel welcome at the beginning and engage with your thoughts about what you want your customers to know. So you have to be very specific in the meantime, creative telling your story just within that specific area of the hero banner.
Include Some Actions To Drag Customers’ Interest
Some website hero banner consists of status images & content. If you just add some spice just with a bit of effort to add some animations of your image content, subheadings, and buttons can easily make this happen. And if all these blended together will surely fulfill your desire right away. You just need to be very clear and concise about designing your hero banner that combines creating your brand value for target customers and potential.
Don’t Limit Yourself To Design
You have to think out of the box, as much research you do about your target audiences, you can get a more clear view of what you should include on your hero banner design & whatnot. You have to make yourself free for experiments with lines, design sections, hero images, and overall design. Just one thing you have to put on your mind if you nailed this hero banner section, you already have won the half battle.
Learn More: Best Practices To Optimize Website Layout With Elementor
How To Get the Hero Banner Right With Elementor
Now in this section, you are going to how to design your hero banner in Elementor and make your website home page, and landing pages interesting in the eyes of your audience. Check out what to do to make your hero section right with Elementor below:
Tip 1: Be Creative About Telling your Story
You have to be very smart in telling your brand story in this section. You have to make content creative to drag your customer’s attention. Fox is the right place to put all the information and create an organized look for your Elementor hero banner. So that customers feel attracted at first.
Tip 2: Image Size & Responsiveness Matters
You should make your hero banner image size correct and responsive. For a landscape layout, you have to at least use a 1920px x 1080px image and it can be very with your image tool and design pattern. You should fit the image in the right place, include background color, use shapes or configure other options to optimize your hero banner image for ensuring responsiveness for all types of devices.
Learn More: 5 Key Elements Of Responsive Web Design: What You Need To Know
Tip 3: Importance Of Page Speed & Conversion
How rightly you are optimizing your banner image, and the content will make sure your page speed. So you should use lightweight image content to make your hero banner section stunning, ensuring the fastest speed on the website in front of your target audience. And for conversion, you should focus on your call to action and make it interactive which will boost conversion.
Tip 4: Optimize With SEO Keywords & Powerful Headlines
Your overall website and surely your hero banner section should be impactful using the right keywords. Suppose you are running an eCommerce website, so eCommerce business or eCommerce website, eCommerce, ect these are keywords you have to put into the right place with interactive content. And definitely, you should come with an enticing headline that will blend with your brand, optimized with keywords that drag your customer’s attention on an instance.
Make An Inviting & User Engaging Hero Section
So now that you know why the hero section is important and what to look for set up your Elementor hero banner following some exclusive tips. Don’t forget to share your real experience with us by commenting below. And for readi9ng more exciting blogs check out our blog page and don’t forget to join our friendly Facebook community.
Bonus Tip: Some Beautiful Examples Of Hero Banner
You can check out some best hero section designs and generate something new to make your own website hero banner interactive: