Advanced Data Table
EA Advanced Data Table lets you create large scale of Data-sets with complete ease. It comes with Import/Export CSV capability with limitless styling options.
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Instantly Import Data From Your Existing Tables
Essential Addons Advanced Data Table allows you to connect with your favourite tools. Easily integrate with other solutions & import data from pre-made tables to save your times.
Data Table Style 01
Insert Data straight from the Elementor Editor with real-time AJAX Live Search
ID | Name | Address | City | Country |
1 | Lars | P.O. Box 311, 6832 In Ave | Kalken | Mongolia |
2 | Anjolie | P.O. Box 991, 9320 Imperdiet, St. | Pointe-aux-Trembles | Isle of Man |
3 | Wyoming | P.O. Box 893, 6123 Suspendisse Street | Poulseur | Faroe Islands |
4 | Zane | 673-752 Morbi Street | Lozzo Atestino | Benin |
5 | Leandra | 727-1874 Ut Road | Noville | Aruba |
6 | Reed | 4786 Sagittis Road | Zevekote | Togo |
7 | Tarik | 7657 Vivamus Ave | Sanquhar | Greenland |
8 | Kaden | 253-9548 Dui. Ave | Garbsen | Bulgaria |
9 | Troy | Ap #553-2507 Penatibus Ave | Shenkursk | British Indian Ocean Territory |
10 | Drake | 3157 Ante, Ave | Owensboro | Jordan |
11 | Hashim | 8712 Feugiat Street | Reading | Lithuania |
12 | Beck | 2231 Erat Street | Stony Plain | Jamaica |
13 | Hammett | Ap #802-1433 Suscipit, St. | Łomża | Aruba |
14 | Bianca | P.O. Box 257, 7664 Mauris, Avenue | Acquasparta | Costa Rica |
15 | Jordan | Ap #814-2098 At, Rd. | Stirling | Netherlands |
16 | Daniel | 1579 Libero St. | Newark | New Zealand |
17 | Emmanuel | P.O. Box 529, 7349 Facilisis Road | Corbara | Ghana |
18 | Ronan | P.O. Box 839, 3450 Tempus, St. | Bitterfeld-Wolfen | Serbia |
19 | Chase | 610-4953 Augue. St. | San Esteban | Uruguay |
20 | Kermit | 113-7633 Tempor Ave | Eugene | Kuwait |
21 | Unity | 682-2574 Tortor. Av. | San Javier | Tajikistan |
22 | Brittany | Ap #287-8358 Quisque Avenue | Gujranwala | India |
23 | Bruno | P.O. Box 497, 4921 Tempus, Rd. | Gosnells | Azerbaijan |
24 | Julie | Ap #509-2455 Nec, Rd. | Champorcher | Guernsey |
25 | Nasim | 6078 Elit, Rd. | Corte Brugnatella | Philippines |
26 | Merritt | Ap #632-560 Lacinia St. | Santu Lussurgiu | Seychelles |
27 | Wilma | 564-2667 Lacus. Avenue | Avadi | New Caledonia |
28 | Herman | P.O. Box 502, 8382 Cum St. | Tiarno di Sopra | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
29 | Kareem | 8941 Erat Rd. | Ruza | Madagascar |
30 | Prescott | P.O. Box 437, 6704 Praesent Ave | Poggiorsini | Indonesia |
31 | Yuli | Ap #216-2674 Phasellus St. | Fredericton | Aruba |
32 | Howard | Ap #872-4880 Sapien. Rd. | Rotem | Uganda |
33 | Gavin | Ap #113-7538 Scelerisque, Ave | Tolve | Serbia |
34 | Jack | P.O. Box 196, 8700 Amet, Road | Płock | Denmark |
35 | Avye | Ap #930-2189 Suscipit St. | Petrópolis | Madagascar |
36 | Tobias | Ap #874-9196 Consectetuer Av. | Castlegar | San Marino |
37 | Cyrus | P.O. Box 937, 638 Erat Road | Poviglio | Hong Kong |
38 | Amena | 2064 Molestie Road | Piotrków Trybunalski | Laos |
39 | Amy | P.O. Box 827, 7453 Facilisis St. | Gboko | Macedonia |
40 | Hadley | 3959 Dignissim St. | Ortonovo | San Marino |
41 | Elvis | Ap #549-9487 Tellus Rd. | Shawville | Belize |
42 | Alexander | 1960 Ac Rd. | Montauban | Armenia |
43 | Russell | 8443 Neque Ave | Belfast | Brunei |
44 | Quintessa | P.O. Box 649, 3772 Dolor St. | Dundee | Norfolk Island |
45 | Malik | Ap #795-7928 Eu St. | Gellik | Cameroon |
46 | Tate | 1289 Sodales Street | Waren | Comoros |
47 | Maite | 1301 Orci St. | Limoges | Namibia |
48 | Ryan | 4017 Luctus. Street | Appleby | Uzbekistan |
49 | Howard | Ap #917-5439 Ullamcorper, Avenue | Rahimyar Khan | Brazil |
50 | Jenette | Ap #969-5488 Lacinia Road | Pakpatan | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands |
Data Table Style 02
Sort your Data in Real-time along side Pagination & Live Search
# | Employee | Working Days | Hours | Rate | PAY |
1 | Garrett Winters | Attend | 7:59:00 | $25.15 | $1,483.85 |
2 | Brielle Williamson | Attend | 9:39:00 | $18.15 | $4,483.85 |
3 | Haley Kennedy | Attend | 6:35:00 | $25.15 | $3,483.85 |
4 | Garrett Winters | 1 Day Absent | 6:35:00 | $18.15 | $2,483.85 |
5 | Brielle Williamson | Attend | 9:39:00 | $18.15 | $1,483.85 |
6 | Garrett Winters | Attend | 7:59:00 | $25.15 | $2,483.85 |
7 | Brielle Williamson | 3 Day Absent | 6:35:00 | $18.15 | $3,483.85 |
8 | Haley Kennedy | Attend | 6:35:00 | $25.15 | $1,483.85 |
9 | Brielle Williamson | Attend | 9:39:00 | $18.15 | $2,483.85 |
10 | Garrett Winters | 1 Day Absent | 7:59:00 | $25.15 | $1,483.85 |
Data Table Style 03
Add/Delete as many Columns/Rows you want with Limitless Styling options
Layer Cake | Cup Cake | Fruit Cake | Dan Cake |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Choco Delight | Dutch Chocolate | Mango Delight | Detroit Livonia |
Black Forest | Boneless Wings | Tyngsboro | Walnut Punch |
Choco Chip | Vanilla | Passion Choco | Schaumburg |
Choco Vanilla | Altamonte Springs | Choco Delight | Pembroke Pines |
Choco Bite | Dutch Chocolate | Wolfchase Galleria | Flake Chocolate |
Chocolate Mocha | Velvy Choco | Layer Cake | Dark Dan |
Data Table Style 04
Import any CSV file straight into Advanced Data Table & Get Started
code | company | price | Time Duration | change % |
01 | Garrett Winters | $184,634698465 | 7:59:00 | % 1,483.85 |
02 | Brielle Williamson | $1846,34698465 | 9:39:00 | % 886.5 |
03 | Haley Kennedy | $184634698465 | 6:35:00 | % 1,116,9 |
04 | Template Library | $18463,4698465 | 9:39:00 | % 1,028.6 |
05 | Garrett Winters | $1846,34698465 | 7:59:00 | % 1,483.85 |
06 | Brielle Williamson | $1846,34698465 | 9:39:00 | % 534 |
07 | Haley Kennedy | $184,634698465 | 6:35:00 | % 2,070.45 |
08 | Template Library | $18463,4698465 | 9:39:00 | % 1,246.2 |
09 | Garrett Winters | $184,634698465 | 00:00:00 | % 1,135.75 |
10 | Brielle Williamson | $184,634698465 | 00:00:00 | % 736 |
Data Table Style 05
Insert any HTML tag inside Advanced Data Table
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