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Parallax Effect

EA Parallax extension allows you to make your web pages more dynamic by adding interactive motion scrolling effects to the content. Choose from in-motion, multi-layered lots of more customization options to instantly grab visitor’s attention with parallax effects.
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Scroll & Zoom Parallax Effect

Add beautiful scroll and zoom motion effects to your web pages with EA Parallax extension
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Essential Addons Parallax Effects 

Parallax Effects is an amazing way to make your website look incredible by adding motion scroll to your web page content. It’s a creative way to make your site pages seem more interactive. With EA Parallax extension you can choose from 5 different motion effects to make your website stand out.

Mouse Hover Interaction

Add multi-layered parallax motion effects with mouse hover animation. You can interact visually by simply moving the mouse over the section

Mouse Hover Interaction

You can interact visually by simply just moving the mouse over the section

In-Motion Parallax Effects

Highlight your web content more creatively by adding in-motion parallax effects without any coding and amaze your site visitors

Best Way to Make Parallax

Stationary and Cosmetic Items

You can easily make unlimited parallax efect with our brand new section parallax. You also align anywhere.
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Experience Product Design


Ice cream derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice is a frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert.

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Experience Product Design


Ice cream derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice is a frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert.

Fade & Zoom Motion Effects

Choose between zoom and fade effects or use both to make your website pages stand out using the Parallax extension from Essential Addons

Best Way to Make Parallax

Stationary and Cosmetic Items

You can easily make unlimited parallax efect with our brand new section parallax. You also align anywhere.
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