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Reading Progress 100

Reading Progress Bar

Encourage site visitors to keep scrolling your page and read your whole content with the EA Reading Progress Bar. This advanced extension lets you add a progress bar anywhere on your site. You can even style it any way you want to make it look attractive.
Reading Progress 101

Display Reading Progress Bar From Page Settings

Enable EA Reading Progress bar by clicking on the gear icon at the bottom of your Elementor panel.

Neapoli, Madrid, and other capitals. In Paris they feel quasi-at home; for them, Paris is the capital, their residence, and all the rest of Europe is a boring, pointless province which can be gazed on through the lowered curtains of grand-hôtels or from the stage. They are not old, but they have already been to all the European

It’s hard to catch sight of them. You can’t see them on the streets because they travel in carriages, and they travel in the evening or at night when it is already dark. They sleep until lunch. They usually awaken in poor spirits and do not receive anyone. They receive visitors only occasionally, at odd moments backstage or at dinner.

Reading Progress 102
Reading Progress 103

Customize The Color Of Your Reading Progress Bar

Enable EA Reading Progress bar from the bottom of ‘Elementor’ panel, set the position, background color, animation speed & make it appealing for visitors.

Neapoli, Madrid, and other capitals. In Paris they feel quasi-at home; for them, Paris is the capital, their residence, and all the rest of Europe is a boring, pointless province which can be gazed on through the lowered curtains of grand-hôtels or from the stage. They are not old, but they have already been to all the European

It’s hard to catch sight of them. You can’t see them on the streets because they travel in carriages, and they travel in the evening or at night when it is already dark. They sleep until lunch. They usually awaken in poor spirits and do not receive anyone. They receive visitors only occasionally, at odd moments backstage or at dinner.

Display Reading Progress Bar At The Bottom

Set your reading progress bar position to ‘Bottom’ from your Page Settings
Reading Progress 104

If they had just a bit more to drink, they’d be cheeky. They make loud jokes, drink and interrupt each other (never forgetting to say “pardon!”), make high-flown toasts and apparently are not afraid of making fools of themselves. Some gallantly heave themselves over the table to kiss her hand.The social climbers passing themselves off as reviewers chat in a patronizing tone with the music lovers and devotees. The music lovers and devotees are silent. They are envious of the newspapermen, smiling beatifically and drinking only red wine, which is often especially good at the luncheons.


She, queen of the table, is dressed in a wardrobe that is modest but terribly expensive. A large diamond glitters under lacy chiffon on her neck. She wears massive, smooth bracelets on both wrists. Her hairdo is highly controversial: ladies like it, men do not. Her face glows as she bestows a wide smile on all her fellow diners. She has the ability to smile at everyone all at once, to speak with everyone, to nod her head sweetly; her head nods are for each person at the table. If you look at her face, you’d think that she is sitting with a group of her closest and most beloved friends. At the end of the luncheon, she gives some of them her postcards. On the back, right at the table, she writes the name and surname of the lucky recipient and autographs it. Naturally, she speaks French and switches to other languages at the end of the meal. Her English and German are comically bad, but her poor language skills sound sweet coming from her. Indeed, she is so sweet that you forget for a long time how hideously ugly she really is.

100% Responsive Progress Bar

Your reading progress bar is fully responsive across all devices such as mobile phones, desktop, tablet and more.

And him? He sits, le mari d’elle, five chairs from her, where he drinks a lot and eats a lot, and is silent a lot, and rolls the bread into little balls and rereads the labels on the bottles. As you look at this figure, you feel that he has nothing to do, that he’s bored, lazy and sick of it all. He is extremely fair with streaks of bald spots across the top of his head. Women, wine, sleepless nights and traipsing all over the world have
furrowed his face, leaving deep wrinkles. He is about 35 years old, no more, but he

looks older. His face seems to have been soaked in kvass. His eyes are fine but lazy… Once he was not hideous, but now he is. Bowed legs, sallow hands, a hairy neck. In

Europe, for some reason, he got the nickname of “pram” because of his crooked legs and strange gait. In his frock coat, he looks like a wet jackdaw with a dry tail. The diners do not notice him. He returns the favor.

Reading Progress 105
Reading Progress 106

Enable EA Progress Bar Globally For Entire Website

Toggle  ‘Enable Reading Progress Bar Globally’ from page settings to display it everywhere on your website.

If you are at the luncheon, look at them, that husband and wife, observe them and tell me what brought and keeps these two people together.When you look at them, you’ll reply (more or less), like this:“She is a famous singer and he is just the husband of a famous singer, or, to use backstage jargon, he is the husband of his wife. She

earns up to 80,000 a year in Russian money, and he does nothing, so he has time to be her servant. She needs an accountant and someone to deal with the entrepreneurs, contracts, and agreements. She only associates with her adoring public and

does not deign to deal with the box office proceeds or the prosaic side of her work. She has no time for that. Therefore, she needs him. She needs him as a lackey, a servant. She’d get rid of him if she could take care of things herself.
He gets a considera

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