Essential Addons Changelog

Essential Addons Lite


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Fixed: EA Login / Reset Form | Password form shows error when hit on "Forgot Password"
  • Fixed: Cannot redeclare control with same name "eael_global_warning_text"
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jul 11, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Active menu not showing for archive pages
  • Fixed: Missing translatable strings for EA Woo Product List & EA NFT Gallery
  • Fixed: EA Call to action | Margin not being applied uniformly
  • Updated: WPML Config file in some widgets
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar for Security Enhancement
  • Improved: EA Post Grid | Added option to show user's first & last name instead of just username
  • Improved: EA Advanced Data Table | CSV Data import/export mechanism
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jul 03, 2024


  • Improved: User role permissions to add/edit custom JS
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jun 09, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added Score Threshold option for reCAPTCHA & option to remove the branding
  • Improved: EA Woo product Grid | Added option to filter by tags
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added support for register_form action hook
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added field for honeypot
  • Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Added option to rotate the Interactive Circle around the middle and pause on hover
  • Improved: EA Feature List | Added Horizontal layout option
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Added support for vertical 9:16 video
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Using a hash link (#) on a sub-menu item within a hamburger menu will not open the dropdown item on mobile/tablet view
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Not working properly with WordPress and WooCommerce Filter
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Image Tag being changed from tag to tag after Version 5.9.15
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Header text reverting to Black if the Sort option in the advanced Features is turned off
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Conflict with Ultimate Member plugin
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | On Style 3 Terms on Hover is not showing after clicking on the Load More button
  • Fixed: EA WP Forms | EA WP Forms Widget Width Restriction in Latest Update
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Error in code — data-template and data-terms attributes
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | "Out of stock" badge showing on top of "Sale" badge
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Spinner is not visible on the front-end
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jun 05, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 22, 2024


  • Fixed: Filterable Gallery | iframe not working issue
  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 13, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 08, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Conflicts with the Blocksy theme
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Validation message doesn't show up while using the form in the popup
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Showing error message for not required field
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Dropdown icon is not showing on the desktop mode
  • Fixed: EA Tooltip | Displaying the content after the hover is complete
  • Fixed: EA Feature list | Icons don't show when the shape view is set to Framed
  • Fixed: EA Contact Form 7 | Alignment of the container, title & description is not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Conflicts with the Specia Standard theme
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Checkbox is not showing when using TablePress
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs| Switching tabs causes the page to scroll up or down
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | 'User Account' & 'Coupon Percentage' icons are broken on checkout page
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Data sorting icons' colors don't change while using table as a template
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Menu item doesn't activate when scrolling the page
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Clearing the search values, all table contents appear when the rows per page is left blank
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | 'Add to Cart' button disappears from default shop page if EA Woo Carousel widget is present on the same page
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Date format change option for week view
  • Improved: EA Advanced Accordion | Stop auto-scrolling while anchoring tab
  • Improved: EA Login Register Form | File max size description
  • Improved: EA Facebook Feed | Graph API Upgrade
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 05, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 30, 2024


  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 25, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Table layout shows +6 hours ahead of events time in manual source
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | not compatible with Whols plugin
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | Style-2 layout in mobile devices the "close" button style broken
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | not allowing to click on icons sometimes
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Images are not getting opened in lightbox
  • Improved: EA Table of Contents | Exclude the page title and the comment/review options
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 23, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Content Ticker | Navigation arrow styling is not working
  • Fixed: EA Content Ticker | Not working with Slide animation effect
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Default layout doesn't show customized "sale/stock out" badge
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Layout calendar and table showing different times for google calendar
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Old event is not showing for Event Calendar as a source
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Remember me checkbox is not working in the form
  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 09, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 28, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Table of Contents | Throwing PHP Fatal error if the Display on option is set to Custom Post Types
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 25, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | HTML tag is not working for period separator
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Accordion is not working properly with anchor tag
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | YouTube video is not showing inside the tabs
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Redirect based on user role not working
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Showing invalid in password reset link
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Redirect issue with cross-Domain links without AJAX submission
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Navigation icon distorts with Salient theme enabled
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Not working on Elementor nested tab
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Animation is not working with scroll snap
  • Fixed: EA Feature List | Conflict with Global Controls
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Regular price and on sale price is overlapping each other
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Import csv file returns to old data on immediately click on style tab
  • Improved: EA Table of Contents | Display option available for all the Custom Post Types
  • Improved: EA Gravity Forms | Added progress bar styling options for multi-pages
  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 25, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Undefined array key "class"
  • Fixed: Fatal Error | Class "Essential_Addons_ElementorClassesBootstrap" not found
  • Fixed: Conflict with Fluent Form | ff-hidden CSS class not working as expected
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Conflict with orbital theme layout
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Elementor Nav Menu is not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Anchor tags inside accordions not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Active Woo Product Grid disables product selection in store when JetMenu is enabled
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Export is downloading empty csv file
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | List view shows previous date first for some time
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | CSV file import shows " " sign
  • Improved: EA Call to Action | Background image styling option
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs | Clicking on the tab takes the user to the top of the content
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Added RTL support
  • Improved: EA Post Grid | Added RTL support
  • Improved: EA Woo Product Carousel | Option to hide and show add to cart button
  • Improved: Accessibility Support
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 13, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Show post terms not showing from Tags
  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 19, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | Add tag for custom field
  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | Button open in a new window issue
  • Fixed: EA Interactive circle | If the new “active as default” feature is not enabled, it displays blank content
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | “‘” making text to next column while importing
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Conflicting CSS with Hello theme settings
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Going back to the shop page from the single product page not displaying the images anymore in Safari
  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | New registrations not getting added to the user
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Compatibility with Astra pro
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Color control reversing for regular and sale price
  • Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class “Migration” not found
  • Fixed: EA Wrapper Link | Links do not work without the domain name
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Undefined index: total_post
  • Fixed: Saved Template Broken issues
  • Improved: EA Testimonial | Add control to resize and change color for stars
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 11, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement.
  • Fixed: Minor styling issue on Hello Elementor child theme
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 01, 2024


  • Improved: Site Health Status
  • Improved: Asset auto generate after update the plugin.
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 18, 2024


  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 17, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Throwing Fatal error when Hamburger option is enabled for Desktop device
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | Breakpoint on different devices not working properly
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 17, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Image Caption issue under the lightbox
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Added Compatibility Support for Older version of Hello Elementor theme
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Form | Form styling issue
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Old events visibility issue for Current Date & Custom Date
  • Improved: EA Login Register Form | Added Global support for reCaptcha
  • Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Added Support for Keyboard Accessibility
  • Improved: EA Login Register Form | Updated Error Notice mechanism for Caching Plugins
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added Date formatting option for Event popup
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 15, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 24, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Full Image Hyperlink issue
  • Fixed: PHP Warnings in logs after v5.9.1 update
  • Fixed: EA Scroll to Top | Deprecated Notices
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 18, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Added support for FAQ schema for saved template
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Style and Layout related issues
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Spacing Issue with content's Paragraph
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Dropdown Indicator Icon Issue
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | On mobile the video section is underlapping
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Starting date does not update the Calender in List View.
  • Fixed: EA Call to Action | Background color is not properly changing for Preset-1 & 2
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | Repeated design appears after "EA Woo Cart" is used twice on the same page for both desktop and mobile versions
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Border radius in dropdown element doesn't work
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Automatically turn on the lightbox after performing the filter
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Disabling the header does not work in Tablepress
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Post terms are not displaying in custom post type
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Saved templates are not working as expected on the Toggle, Advanced Tabs, Advanced Accordion & Lightbox widgets
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Read More button alignment not working
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Field name is not getting changed
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Menu anchoring Issue with custom offset
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Add To Cart button text changes don't affect the 2nd page.
  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | Anchor link is not working
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | When "Submit form via Ajax" is disabled, the validation message doesn't show on the popup
  • Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: in_array() with the latest version plugin
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | HTML tag is not working in EA Flip Box Title
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Add to cart button adds a product even when product variation hasn't been selected
  • Fixed: EA Info Box | Adding Red Color in <a> tag after the update and design broken
  • Improved: EA Fancy Text | Loop stop option for animation type
  • Improved: EA Advanced Accordion | Scroll to the accordion title on click
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Validation error message is not visible when the Registration page is selected as the Default form
  • Improved: EA Woo Checkout | Add option for placeholder on checkout fields
  • Improved: EA Woocommerce Product widgets | Filtering option for the "Related Products"
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Redirect the users to the previous page after registration
  • Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Option to set an icon/image for each Circle Item on top of the bottom text content and under the semi circle
  • Improved: EA Table of Contents | TOC title heading options
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 14, 2023


  • Added: New Widget | EA Woo Product List
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Sorting is not working for date format
  • Fixed: EA Product Gallery | Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Integration with EA Product Gallery
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Calendar isn't responsive for mobile mode
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | In nested tab styling is applied to all the Saved Templates tabs as well
  • Fixed: EA Post Timeline | Target blank isn't working for Card layout
  • Fixed: EA Data table | Table sorting is not working
  • Fixed: EA Team Member | Overlay style automatically triggers a button click and redirects to social pages
  • Improved: EA Post Timeline | Custom Template Support for Post Loop
  • Improved: EA Post Carousel | Post Carousel Overlay option
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs | Add a % in unit of Tab's Title
  • Improved: EA Sticky Video | Update JS library file for Sticky Video
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Hide full date format for same-day event end time
  • Added: All EA WooCommerce Related Products inside Elementor Theme Builder Archive & Single Product Templates
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 27, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Sorting is not working for date format
  • Fixed: EA Product Gallery | Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Integration with EA Product Gallery
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Calendar isn’t responsive for mobile mode.
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | In nested tab styling is applied to all the Saved Templates tabs as well
  • Fixed: EA Post timeline | Target blank isn’t working for Card layout
  • Fixed: EA Data table | Table sorting is not working
  • Fixed: EA Team Member | Overlay style automatically triggers a button click and redirects to social pages
  • Improved: EA Post Timeline | Custom Template Support for Post Loop
  • Improved: EA Post Carousel | Post Carousel Overlay option
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs | Add a % in unit of Tab’s Title
  • Improved: EA Sticky Video | Update JS library file for Sticky Video
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Hide full date format for same-day event end time
  • Added: All EA WooCommerce Related Products inside Elementor Theme Builder Archive & Single Product Templates
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 07, 2023


  • Fixed: Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context
  • Fixed: EA SVG Draw not working on Mozilla Firefox
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 26, 2023


  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 22, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Fancy Text | Animation Type option not working
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 09, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Custom ID not working in Search and Filter Layout
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid & Product Carousel | SKU order not working
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Sale/ Stock out badge style preset not working
  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | On hover style items not collapsing when exiting the viewport
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Throwing Undefined Error
  • Fixed: EA Creative Buttons | Text color not changing for Tamaya effect
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Added cookie acknowledgement support
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added option to show Google Calendar Display for Multi-Day Events in List View
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs | Accessibility WCAG guidelines
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 02, 2023


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Added: WooCommerce HPOS Support
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 14, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Load More button not working properly on responsive devices
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 07, 2023


  • Fixed: EA BetterDocs Category Box/List | Missing BetterDocs Category Icon
  • Fixed: EA Call to Action | Primary Button Style Effect BG Color not working
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | filtering not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Business Reviews | Throwing JS console errors
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Missing Media Preview
  • Fixed: EA WPForms | Color & typography not changing on "Name" label
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Aug 24, 2023


  • Improved: EA Content Timeline | Added Scrollbar styling support for Horizontal layout
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added visibility support for all the available events in the List View
  • Improved: EA Login Registration Form | Added Column Width support for all the fields
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Added option to select a Default category on page load
  • Improved: EA Login Registration Form | Added Filter option for Redirect after Login
  • Improved: EA Login Registration Form | Added Custom HTML/CSS support for the Welcome email
  • Improved: EA Login Registration Form | Added Shortcode controller support for user Login Notice
  • Improved: EA Login Registration Form | Added support for multiple redirect URLs based on user role
  • Improved: EA Login Registration Form | Added support for Custom File Upload
  • Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Added Active as Default options for content items
  • Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Added Auto Trigger functionality on page load
  • Improved: EA Woo Cart | Added support to update Cart Automatically
  • Improved: EA Advanced Data Table | Added Pagination style support
  • Improved: EA Data Table | Added Custom Breakpoint controller for Responsive support
  • Improved: EA Advanced Accordion | Accessibility improvements
  • Improved: EA Woo Product Gallery | Added option to show/hide sold-out products
  • Improved: EA Image Accordion | Added background overlay color support on Hover
  • Improved: EA Business Review | Added Dynamic Tag Support on Place ID
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Quick view sales / stock out badge text customisation issue
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Flickering issue
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Image Filtering issue in Light Box mode
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Breakpoint and Responsive issues for the Layouts
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tab | Custom ID Offset issue
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Aug 10, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Merged columns in Google Sheets not displaying properly
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Manual Source not working (date changes automatically)
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Hamburger menu's dropdown items icon style not working
  • Fixed: EA Contact form 7 | Input fields width not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Ninja Table - Not showing 0 value
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Not updating the shipping costs
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Aug 03, 2023


  • Improved: Added Twitter API v2 Support
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Added option to randomize image order
  • Fixed: Translation issue with WPML for saved templates
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Media files not appearing
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | The results for category not loading in the Query
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Images not appearing after reloading inside Elementor Editor in some cases
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
July 27, 2023


  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added Check-box feature for 'Terms & Conditions'
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Throwing Critical Error in PHP 8.2
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
July 16, 2023


  • Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.15
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
July 13, 2023


  • Improved: Added PHP 8.2 Compatibility Support
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Added Filter support for redirecting URL
  • Fixed: Swiper JS issue with All the Carousel Widgets
  • Fixed: EA Table of Contents | TOC icon removing issue
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
July 07, 2023


  • Added: New Extension | EA Wrapper Link
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Carousel not showing in order by SKU
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Password visibility icon not working on nested elements
  • Improved: EA Woo Product Grid | Added option to show/hide Sale/Stock Out badge
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jun 14, 2023


  • Improved: EA Woo Product Grid | Added support for manual Product selection option
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tab | Added collapsible features for the Tabs
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Hashlink (#link) mechanism support for multiple Accordions on same page
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jun 01, 2023


  • Improved: EA Woo Checkout | Field Sorting Mechanism
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Search and Filtering process Mechanism
  • Improved: EA NFT Gallery | Internal code structure
  • Improved: Added support for Swiper JS 8
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Accessibility Improvements
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Title Hyperlink Support
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added Control for Automatic month switching
  • Improved: EA Pricing Table | Added Dynamic Attribute support for Button
  • Improved: EA Simple Menu | Added Active Tab style support
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added Typography support for "Show more events"
  • Improved: EA Business Review | Added Business Schema Support
  • Improved: EA Content Timeline | Anchor link Support for Dynamic Post's Feature Image
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Custom Width supports for Video content
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added Password visibility icon support for the Registration Form
  • Improved: EA Progress Bar | Added Support for String value as a Dynamic Tag in Progress Bar
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Hide event link on Google Calendar
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Transparent button overly issue
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tab | Added layout support for Saved Template Video/Slide content
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Duplicate event details issue
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Individual items styling issue
  • Fixed: EA Product Carousel | Image clickable option for Preset 2 & 4
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | Conflicts with "Blocksy" theme
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Image click support for Preset 2
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Stock badge Style options in Quick view
  • Fixed: EA Reading Progress Bar | Reading Progress Bar visibility on the Single Product Template
  • Fixed: EA Reading Progress Bar | Reading Progress Bar styling issue on the Single Post Template
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Spacing issue after hiding the Title, Price, Rating
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Conflict with the YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Compatibility issue with "The7" theme
  • Fixed: EA Countdown | Conflicts with the ShopLentor Plugin
  • Fixed: Uncaught Error during Elementor Data Updater
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Styling on Even Odd rows
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 22, 2023


  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form for Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 11, 2023


  • Improved: EA Post Timeline | Improved Card Layout
  • Improved:EA Login/Register Form | Remember me field Styling
  • Fixed: Deprecated Warnings on PHP 8.1
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Classic Background Styling issue
  • Fixed: EA Scroll to Top | Missing in Theme Builder Archive Page
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Form | Fixed Submit Button Alignment issue
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Page Speed Issue
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Load more button Duplication issue
  • Fixed: Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Fixed Day and Time Styling issue
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 17, 2023


  • Added: EA SVG Draw Widget
  • Fixed: Fatal Error when BuddyPress is activated
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Dynamic Tag missing on images
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 04, 2023


  • Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.12.0
  • Fixed: Assets not generating in private pages
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 30, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Inline Editor HTML not working
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Mobile layout showing wrong item count
  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | Default active tab not working
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 27, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Creative Buttons | Gradient colour issue on hover
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Circle ordering system
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Hamburger menu style option not showing for vertical layout
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Added filter hook for “No Content Found” text
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Added XStore theme compatibility
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added support for HTML tag in the title & subtitles
  • Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Improved translation support
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 22, 2023


  • Fixed: Throwing Fatal error on PHP 8.1 for specific servers
  • Fixed: Throwing fatal error when trying to save Elementor Template with Conditions while WPML is activated
  • Improved: EA Product Grid | Added controller to show specific products
  • Improved: EA Product Grid | Filter Products based on status
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 12, 2023


  • Added: EA Business Reviews | New Widget
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 28, 2023


  • Fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function iterate_data() on null
  • Fixed: EA Post Timeline | Uncaught DivisionByZeroError
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Page getting stuck when trying to visit a tab with unique ID
  • Fixed: EA Product Carousel | Broken Layout in Shoptimizer theme
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 07, 2023


  • Fixed: Assets not loading inside CartFlows Steps when Astra Theme is activated
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | HashTag '#' and '@' links not working
  • Fixed: EA Scroll to Top | Not hiding on the hero section after scrolling to top
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Meta styling not working
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Some text not supporting HTML anchor markup
  • Fixed: EA Product Gallery | Styles not working in BuddyBoss Theme
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | After updating the cart, the Price and checkout button goes missing
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | After adding a link to the content text that creates a block element
  • Fixed: EA Feature List | Icon design broken when using two templates on a same page
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Displaying pending review or unpublished products
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Dynamic Tags not working in Layout Settings
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Adding redundant string after making registration
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | Content type 'Editor icon' missing
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added the Armenian Language in the Language List
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 25, 2023


  •  Fixed: EA Event Calendar | URL parameters not working inside manual calendar event link
  •  Fixed: EA Info Box | Custom Attribute not working
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 22, 2022


  •  Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Gallery Item name showing default value
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 11, 2022


  • Added: New Widget | EA NFT Gallery
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added arguments to action hook
  • Improved: EA Custom JS | Allow Custom JS to run in the Elementor Editor
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Animation not working in Mobile View
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | extra margin when 6 columns are used
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Filter not working in different languages
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 06, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Excerpt length change not working properly
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 24, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | HTML Tags not working in excerpt view
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Not scrolling to the accordion title when custom ID is used
  • Improved: EA Duplicator | Added ' - Copy' text after the original title when a post/page is duplicated
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added HTML tag support for form label
  • Improved: EA Simple Menu | Improved Compatibility with custom ID links on menu items
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 22, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Login / Register Form | Security token did not match error
  • Fixed: EA Scroll to Top | Throwing Uncaught ReferenceError
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Preset 2 & 3 not displaying authors & avatars
  • Fixed: EA Login / Register Form | Custom template for Register User Email option not working
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 27, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Login / Register Form | Security token did not match error
October 27, 2022


  • Improved: EA Login / Register Form | Added "Forgot Password?" form
  • Improved: EA Login / Register Form | Added Custom Field
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs & Accordion | Option to set Offset
  • Improved: EA Data Table | loading duplicate JS when used as a template
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Show more than 2 events for a specific day
  • Improved: EA Twitter Feed | Added “Load More” option
  • Improved: EA Facebook Feed | Added option to change Date format
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Loading all the gallery images when "Load More" button is hit
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Not working properly on Safari browser
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Not working properly on iPhone devices
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | Feed not working with the public figure type pages
  • Fixed: EA Login / Register Form | Security token did not match error
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | showing wrong page name with wrong Feed
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Design showing broken with Buddyboss theme
  • Fixed: EA Scroll to Top | Not working when Elementor's Scroll Snap is enabled
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Mute option not working
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 26, 2022


  • Improved: EA Countdown | Added Evergreen & Recurring Options
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | PHP Fatal error
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Showing repeated pagination
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data table | Not able to add new row or column if table was imported without table header
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | If svg used in open tab and no icon is used in closed tab, then svg icon is not showing
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 28, 2022


  • Fixed: Throwing fatal error due to conflict with custom breakpoints & older Elementor versions
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 21, 2022


  • Added: Flex Container support for EA Widgets
  • Fixed: Font Awesome icons not loading when Elementor's Font awesome inline experiment is active
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | FAQ Schema not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu Sub menu not expanding properly
  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | Winona hover effect not displaying icon on the secondary button
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Videos from Vimeo auto play and mute not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Shape of the caret getting changed when global color is applied
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | mobile layout not working properly for OceanWP Theme
  • Fixed: 'Invalid recurring shipping method' Error when WooCommerce Subscriptions is enabled
  • Improved: EA Woo Checkout | Customize the ordering system of Billing Details fields
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added option to change color of Remember me and forgot password fields
  • Improved: EA Simple Menu | Added Custom breakpoints for responsive devices
  • Improved: EA Woo Checkout | Added option to change the quantity of the ordered products
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 21, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid CSS not Loading with Astra Theme in some cases.
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 29, 2022


  • Fixed: Elementor PRO Header & Footer not showing in some themes
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 18, 2022


  • Fixed: Widgets with Links being underlined when Hello Elementor theme is active
  • Fixed: Custom JS not working inside Elementor Header, Footer & Popup
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 17, 2022


  • Fixed: Fatal Error in different PHP Versions
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 14, 2022


  • Improved: Asset loading mechanism for better performance
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 11, 2022


  • Fixed: Throwing wc_get_cart_url deprecated error after activating Essential Addons
  • Fixed: o.imagesLoaded is not a function error when Masonry layout is used
  • Fixed: tippy is not defined error
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | Thumbnail images not showing for all posts
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Added WPML Support for the missing strings
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
August 01, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Not working properly for Google Calendar recurring events
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Responsive issue in Preset Layout 2
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | Throwing PHP error if heading is null
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
July 05, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Load More not working when filter control is disabled
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Throwing fatal error when full image clickable option is enabled and gallery link button is disabled
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Image Sizes being Changed because of the image ratio option
  • Fixed: EA Duplicator | Section type templates duplication not working properly
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Link escaping for security enhancement
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
June 27, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Info Box | HTML tag not working inside Infobox Title
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | <div> tag being closed incorrectly
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
June 15, 2022


  • Improved: EA Team Member | Added option to show description on hover
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added option to use different colors for different events
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added option to hide old events
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added "Custom Event URL" option for individual events
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs | Added heading tags for Tab titles
  • Improved: EA Advanced Accordion | Added icon controls when the tab expands
  • Improved: EA Tooltip | Added sticky option on the Top when scrolling down
  • Improved: EA Table of Contents | Added option to highlight current position
  • Improved: EA Pricing Table | Added controls to change the font styles of the tooltip
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Load more not working properly for "Search & Filter" layout
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Dynamic option not working inside Elementor Theme Builder Search archive pages
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Showing blurry product images for Preset 4
  • Fixed: EA Team Member | Social Profile nofollow not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Anchor link not working with Custom ID
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | Sorting not working when setting column span greater than 1
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Turning into rectangle shape in responsive devices
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
June 14, 2022


  • Improved: Data escaping for Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
May 26, 2022


  • Added: WordPress 6.0 Compatibility
  • Improved: Sanitized HTML Tags in the WooCommerce Widgets
  • Improved: EA Woo Product Carousel | Options to make product title clickable
  • Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Animation starting after scrolling to a definite section
  • Added: EA Login/Register Form| Social Login option for Register Form
  • Added: EA Facebook Feed | Force square image option
  • Added: EA Simple Menu | Customized Icon for the hamburger menu
  • Fixed: EA Scroll to Top | being visible on all pages and posts despite only selected only All posts
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Feature List icon color not changing when using global color
  • Fixed: Conflict with Elementor Product Grid when Martfury theme is used
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | some of the strings not being translatable
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Showing No categories found error despite categories option being disabled
  • Fixed: EA Feature List | Images looking blurry regardless of the resolution and size
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | Title & Button links not working without "https://"
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Sale text not changing in the Quick View pop up
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Quick View style changing when going to next page through pagination
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Add to Cart behavior to Cart Page not working from Quick View screen
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Throwing error when posts per page is blank
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Custom Email Formatting and Reset Password link not working
  • Fixed: WooCommerce Quick View being broken when Savoy theme is used
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Google sheet merged cell not formatting properly
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
May 25, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Quick view not working properly on responsive devices
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
May 10, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | WPML Translation not working
  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | Style settings not apply on secondary button texts
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Sorting order only working on the current page
  • Improved: EA Event Calendar | Added an option to specify default start date
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
April 26, 2022


April 19, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | Latest feed data not showing automatically
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
April 12, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Filter options not working with Multiple Controls for items
  • Fixed: EA Call to Action | Border style and Border radius options not showing in the Primary button style
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
March 27, 2022


  • Fixed: “_register_controls is deprecated” error
  • Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.6.0
  • Improved: EA Advanced Tabs | Added Areal Label markup
  • Improved: EA Product Grid | YITH WooCommerce Wishlist support
  • Improved: Refactored AJAX requests for performance improvement
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | not working when special characters are used
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | “Shipping” text not being translatable
  • Fixed: EA Reading Progress Bar | global color not working
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Event Details popup not working with Jupiter X theme
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Title and Description alignment not working
  • Fixed: EA Post Timeline | Title tag, image height & text color not working
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
March 23, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Event details text not showing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid & Carousel | HTML tags not working for Product Title
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Elementor panel showing blank
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | Added option to clear cache to refresh feed
  • Improved: EA Call to Action | Added Overlay color change options
  • Improved: EA Facebook Feed | Added option to fetch from both feed & posts
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
March 08, 2022


  • Improved: Data sanitization and escaping for Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
February 17, 2022


  • Improved: Optimized Options table for better performance
  • Fixed: Deprecated control error notices from Elementor
  • Fixed: Assets not loading if parameter is added in the link
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Ribbon style showing despite being deactivated
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | SVG icon height issue
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Image size not changing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | Some Style options not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Border style changing in mobile view
  • Fixed: EA Countdown | Showing different time in different time zones
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Compatibility issue with the Betheme
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Conflict with Tutor LMS YouTube player
  • Fixed: EA Dual Color Heading | Global Color not working when the gradient color is selected
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | All Data not showing for The Event Calendar plugin
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
February 16, 2022


  • Improved: Data escaping for Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
February 07, 2022


  • Improved: Data sanitization, validation & escaping for Security Enhancement
  • Fixed: JS error when Anchor tags are used without the href attribute
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Product Grid thumbnails not using the image size selected
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | not fetching the variable products when Sale Items option is selected
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
February 02, 2022


  • Improved: Enhanced Security to prevent inclusion of unwanted file form remote server through ajax request
  • January 28, 2022


  • Improved: Sanitized template file paths for Security Enhancement
  • Added: Support for new Capability Queries for WordPress 5.9
  • Fixed: Elementor Popups not being triggered
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
January 27, 2022


  • Fixed: Parameter sanitization in dynamic widgets
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion & Tabs | Custom ID Anchor not working with links on same page
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Card rear panel scrolling not working inside EA Advanced Tabs
  • Fixed: EA Woo Cart | Last item not getting removed from Cart
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Global Color not working on Items
  • Added: EA Woo Checkout | Option for hiding the coupon code
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
January 25, 2022


  • Improved: EA Duplicator | Security Enhancement
  • Fixed: EA Call to Action | Throwing fatal error when saved template is chosen as content type
  • Fixed: EA Countdown | Throwing warning on PHP 8.0
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Anchor link not working with when used within the same page
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Throwing undefined offset error
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Throwing error notice when Cart Summary is updated
  • Fixed: EA Table of Contents | Not working on Archive pages
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Not translating with WPML
  • Improved: EA Call to Action | Added option to upload Background image
  • Improved: EA Woo Cart | Option to change Empty Cart text
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
January 19, 2022


  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
December 30, 2021


  • Added : EA Interactive Circle
  • Added : EA Woo Cart
  • Added : EA Scroll to Top
  • Revamped : Dashboard UI for better experience
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
December 26, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Filter control not working while using special characters
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Search not working when a filter is applied
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Throwing warning when 0 is selected as ‘Posts per page
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs & Advanced Accordion | Custom ID Anchor not working with links on same page
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | File upload style options missing
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | Border Radius not working properly when adding border on the Header
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | media element not showing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Elements | Add To Cart Icon not being visible in Blocksy Theme
  • Fixed: EA BetterDocs Category Grid | Docs order not showing properly
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
December 14, 2021


  • Improved: Asset Generator method for better performance
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | LightBox feature not working Properly
  • Fixed: EA Duplicator | showing unwanted texts if the title has special characters
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
November 03, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Active Page still showing on Responsive Devices
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | Not pulling the feed when new Keys are inserted
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Automatically copying data from another table
  • Fixed: EA Contact Form 7 | Field style not being editable
  • Improved: EA Woo Product Gallery | Added Responsive controls
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
October 28, 2021


  • Improved: Asset Generator method for better performance
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Title not being clickable for certain styles
  • Fixed: EA Product grid | Broken layout in responsive devices
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Form label styling not properly
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Events colors not changing with global color
  • Fixed: EA Call to Action | Button URL Custom Attributes not working correctly
  • Fixed: Missing Control icons inside Elemenetor panel
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Hamburger menu center option not working
  • Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Active Page being shown on Responsive Devices despite being disabled
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
October 11, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Fliterable Gallery | Video Gallery popup not working
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
September 29, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Fliterable Gallery | Images not displaying under each filter until Load More button is hit
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Load More button not working with Random sorting
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | removed data reappearing
  • Fixed: EA Feature List | showing warning in browser console
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | ‘Active as Default’ getting priority over custom ID
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | PHP 8 Error
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Out of Stock Badge not showing
  • Improved: EA Table of Contents | Added Height controller
  • Improved: EA WooCommerce elements | Added option to make product images clickable
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
September 26, 2021


  • Improved: EA Woo Product Gallery | Added options to change category tab icon & button hover control
  • Improved: EA advanced Tabs | Added option to change the icon position
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added option to design Header Subtitle in Responsive Mode
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Content not initially loading with anchor link
  • Fixed: WPML Translations not working for EA Advanced Tabs & EA Filterable Gallery
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
September 14, 2021


  • Added: EA Woo Product Gallery widget
  • Added: EA Login Register | Option to Redirect logged in users to another page
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | video overlay image showing on lightbox
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Noutopiste section is missing in EA Woo Checkout
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Product images being misaligned in quick view
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Coverflow effect not being responsive
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | not showing “Add to Cart” in Quick View for variable products
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Full content not showing when the content is shown from Saved Template
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Styling not working when “enable legacy markup” option is turned off
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
September 01, 2021


  • Added: Anchor Link support in EA Advanced Tabs & Advanced Accordion
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Styles not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid & Post Timeline | Throwing console error when used custom template from theme
  • Fixed: EA Feature List | Icons color not changing when we have set color from Global Color setting
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
August 19, 2021


  • Added: EA WooCommerce Widgets | Option to change the ‘Stock Out’ text
  • Fixed: ‘Out of stock’ label not displaying in shop page when EA is active
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | File Upload field showing a validation message
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | Text alignment not working in mobile devices
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Ribbon text alignment not changing correctly
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Card | SVG Icon not showing
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | Background & Link colors not working properly
  • Added: EA Event Calendar | Option to change the ‘Event Details’ text
  • Added: EA Login/Registration | Option to translate reCaptcha
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
August 08, 2021


    • Fixed: Asset loading issue with Password Protected plugins
    • Fixed: EA Info Box | SVG icon color not changing
    • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Meta Style color not changing
    • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | ‘Quick View’ popup not showing properly when multiple images are used
    • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Draft products being displayed on Edit Mode
    • Fixed: EA Woo Product Compare | Product Custom Attribute not showing
    • Added: EA Woo Product Grid | Heading tag for ‘Quick View’ option
    • Added: EA Twitter Feed | ‘Read More’ text change control
    • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 27, 2021


  • Fixed: Broken Shop page layout when Woo Product Carousel is activated
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | product images being blurry
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 18, 2021


  • Improved: Reduced data in options table for better performance
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 14, 2021


  • Improved: EA Simple Menu | Added few more styling controls
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Editing not working
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Login form input field not appearing when used inside Elementor popup
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Products overlapping in Astra theme
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | Preview not showing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Product quantity not showing
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 07, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Filterable gallery | Image height not working for “Search and Filter” layout
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Backslash () not working in Login form
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Shortcode not working inside Header Content
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Cart button default color not changing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Broken layout on Astra theme
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Button styles not working for “Out of Stock” products
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | PHP notice when Sticky option is not enabled
  • Fixed: EA Countdown | Saved Template not working as per the condition
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Product Title color not changing on the Quick view Popup section
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | Zoom out and Fade in effects not working
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Videos not working for Card layout
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Typography colors not changing
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 29, 2021


  • Improved: EA Simple Menu | Added more options for Hamburger menu
  • Fixed: Assets not loading properly for private pages
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Removed blank space from Filterable controls
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 21, 2021


  • Improved: WPML Compatibility
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Hover overlay color not working in Card view
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 15, 2021


  • Removed: Elementor  deprecation methods
  • Added: Compatibility with PHP 8.0
  • Added: EA Login/Register Form | Added permission check for security enhancement
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Form | Styles being applied to input fields
  • Fixed: EA Tooltip | Alignment in Responsive Design not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | ‘Shikoba’ effect breaking the design
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Saved Template is not showing properly
  • Fixed: EA Contact Form 7 | Submit button ‘Full Width’ not working
  • Fixed: EA Countdown | design broken on mobile device
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Draft products being displayed
  • Fixed: HTML(inline CSS) not working with tag in some widgets
  • Improved: Added Target_Blank options in post widgets
  • Improved: EA Product Grid | not scrolling to top when you hit the pagination options
  • Removed: EA Progress Bar | Removed duplicate controls
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 07, 2021


  • Added: EA Simple Menu widget
May 24, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | Overlay, hover overlay, and title color not changing
  • Fixed: HTML(inline CSS) not working in multiple widgets
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 09, 2021


  • Improved: AJAX requests for Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 05, 2021


  • Improved: Query Optimization in dynamic widgets
  • Improved: Refactored code for Security Enhancement
  • Added: EA Data Table | Added ‘icon’ option in Content Type
  • Fixed: Conflict with swiperJS
  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | issues with the tab view and default styles
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Product header tag not being changeable
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | different page ID’s showing same content
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 3, 2021


  • Fixed: Elementor\Scheme_Typography is deprecated
  • Few minor bug fix & improvements
April 25, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | Missing style controls
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 13, 2021


  • Added: Cache Settings for EA Facebook Feed, Twitter Feed, Event Calendar and Adv. Data Table
  • Fixed: SVG color not changing in some of the widgets
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Security token did not match error
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Throwing ‘Page ID not found’ error while registering
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Multiple galleries on a single page not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | Two different facebook ID’s showing same content
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | ‘Stock Out’ badge not working
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Image size setting not functioning properly
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Elementor PRO pop up isn’t working on the button
  • Fixed: EA Contact Form 7 | the styling of the error/validation messages are not working
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | broken in Safari browser
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | ‘Read More’ option can’t be edited when query is set to ‘Products’
  • Fixed: EA Fancy Text | Not working inside Elementor PRO Popup
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | throwing undefined error in Mobile devices
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 11, 2021


  • Added: EA Woo Product Carousel
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 01, 2021


  • Fixed: PHP error related to HTML tags validation
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 23, 2021


  • Added: Compatibility with Elementor latest versions
  • Fixed: Sanitized options in the Elementor HTML Tags
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 22, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Typeform | Redirect Issue while connecting your account
  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | Enable Title Link is not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | HTML tags are not working on Product Title
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | Throws PHP Warning
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 10, 2021


  • Added: Dynamic query option for EA Woo Product Grid
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Error/Success message not appearing after Registration
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion | Showing a border around the tab
  • Fixed: EA Facebook Feed | Preview content settings not working properly
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 03, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Login Register Form | ‘Security Token Does Not Match’ error
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Pagination disappearing with the latest update
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | ‘Filtered by Sale’ not working for variable products
  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | toggle option to add link in the content
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Date showing invalid for All day events
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Sorting not working on Mozilla Firefox
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | ‘Dynamic’ query not working
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | 24 Hours format not working correctly
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | ‘Filtered by Sale’ not working for variable products
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video | Copy Link button not working
  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | Icon color not changing
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
February 23, 2021


  • Added: Quick Setup wizard for new installations
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
February 08, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | style controls not working after Elementor update
  • Fixed: EA Fancy Text | not working inside Elementor Editor
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 29, 2021


  • Added: EA Woo Product Compare
  • Added: EA Woo Product Compare integration with EA Product Grid
  • Fixed: EA Login | Register | Showing Invalid Username message for Invalid Password
  • Fixed: EA Login | Register | added “Remember Me” text controller
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 26, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Info Box | Throwing PHP Notice when Image option is enabled
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Dropdown menu not disappearing on Safari
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Added String Controller for returning customers
  • Fixed: EA Gravity Forms | removed extra padding
  • Fixed: EA Data Table | Throwing PHP Notice
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 07, 2021


  • Fixed: Custom JS not working after first reload
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | sorting not working for nested elements in table header
  • Fixed: Missing Background color option for EA Testimonial
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Style 5 Ribbon Text color not changing
  • Fixed: EA Info box | Dynamic tags not working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
December 23, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Fancy Text & Adv. Data Table | not working on WordPress 5.6
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Rating controller not working with Default Style
  • Fixed: EA Flip Box | Button icon not displaying
  • Added: EA Event Calendar | 24 Hours format option
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
December 10, 2020


  • Fixed: Broken style if Object Cache is enabled
  • Fixed: Pages showing blank after updating with Elementor
  • Added: RTL Support
  • Improved: EA Product Grid | New Presets, Quick View & Pagination
  • Improved: EA Woo Checkout | added text change options
  • Improved: EA Flip Box | Default Appearance & added 3D Effect
  • Improved: EA Dual Color Heading | Gradient Text Color & SVG not showing in Content
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Invalid Recurring Shipping Method & not updating properly
  • Fixed: EA Image Accordion | Border Radius not working & Missing content alignment controls
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
November 19, 2020


  • Added: Dynamic Tag/ACF Support for most widgets
  • Added: EA Woo Checkout | String Translation options
  • Tweaked: Updated Repeater Control with Elementor 3.0
  • Fixed: Double Slash in EA URI inside WordPress Dashboard
  • Fixed: EA BetterDocs Category Grid | not showing Sub-category items
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
November 12, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | PHP notice for Title Tag
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
November 3, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Title Tag not working
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | Displaying ‘Out of Stock’ products even if it’s disabled from WooCommerce
  • Fixed: EA Product Grid | PHP Notices
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
November 02, 2020


  • Fixed: Assets not generating on Multi-sites
  • Fixed: Critical Errors related to Template queries
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
October 22, 2020


  • Fixed: Assets not generating properly
  • Fixed: Fatal error with BuddyPress plugin
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | content not loading properly
  • Fixed: EA Table of Contents | not working correctly for posts
  • Fixed: PHP notices with EA Post Grid, Post Timeline & Post Carousel
  • Fixed: EA FormStack | Auth error in PHP 5.6
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
October 18, 2020


  • Few minor bug fix
October 14, 2020


  • Revamped: Code Structure for better performance
  • Improved: Asset Generator method
  • Improved: Slow queries for Dynamic widgets
  • Added: Dynamic support for Post Widgets
  • Added: Translation compatibility with more widgets
  • Added: Custom Template support for BetterDocs, Product & Post widgets
  • Fixed: EA BetterDocs widgets | 404 page not found error with Multiple-KB
  • Fixed: EA Widgets not loading properly inside Elementor Popups
  • Fixed: EA TOC & Reading Progress Bar not showing in Non-Elementor pages
  • Fixed: EA TOC & Reading Progress Bar not working correctly inside Elementor
  • Fixed: EA Creative Buttons throwing PHP error
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
October 12, 2020


  • Fixed: get_elements_data on bool error
  • Fixed: PHP error notice for ‘Search & Filter’ option in EA Filterable Gallery
  • Fixed: Unable to format quiz field in EA Contact Form 7
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video not working when it’s used multiple times on a page
  • Fixed: Sale badge and Overlay issues with EA Product Grid
  • Improved: New Design and Style controls for EA Dual Color Heading
  • Improved: Styling controls for EA Product Grid
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 13, 2020


  • Removed: Dashboard widget
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Showing Duplicate Images in Gallery View
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 03, 2020


  • Fixed: Sorting not working when Pagination is disabled in EA Advanced Data Table
  • Added: Styling controls for reCAPTCHA in EA Login | Register Form
  • Added: Translatable Strings in EA Login | Register Form
  • Added: Options to change the Error Messages in EA Login | Register Form
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 27, 2020


  • Added: Google reCAPTCHA option in EA Login | Register Form
  • Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1
  • Fixed: User Role not setting correctly in EA Login | Register Form
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 20, 2020


  • Added: EA Login | Register Widget
  • Removed: Upsell Notices
  • Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.1
  • Fixed: SSL Issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 6, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed | Content length issue
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout Coupons showing despite disabling from Woo Settings
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 30, 2020


  • Improved: EA Typeform with auth2 authentication
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video PHP error with Image Overlay option
  • Fixed: EA Reading Progress Bar & EA TOC not working inside Elementor Editor
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery- broken link issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 23, 2020


  • Added: EA Custom JS Extension
  • Added: New Asset Embed Method with External/Internal JS & CSS support
  • Removed: Quick Tools from admin bar
  • Removed: Fallback scripts
  • Removed: Unnecessary form scripts
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 16, 2020


  • Improved: EA BetterDocs Category Grid & EA BetterDocs Category Box
  • Added: Single Click play option with EA Stick Video when image overlay is enabled
  • Added: HTML Heading Tags for EA Image Accordion
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid not showing in Elementor panel
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar not showing Full month in ‘List’ view
  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar translation issue with ‘All-day’ and ‘Today’ texts
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video play icon not disappearing
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 22, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery Image Overlapping issue with Lazyload- WP Rocket
  • Fixed: EA Feature List Default Arrow Indicator Position issue
  • Fixed: EA Table of Content appearing at the bottom for Gutenberg posts
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid issue with Load More ‘Grid’ layout becoming Masonry
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid issue with PressForward plugin
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video Icon overlapping issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
June 11, 2020


  • Improvement : EA Post Grid | Added margin & padding controls for Thumbnail & Content, and 2 more preset layouts
  • Improvement : EA Creative Buttons | Added Gradient background color option, and border radius option
  • Improvement : EA Advanced Accordion | Added options to style the icons, and Spacing option between each accordion
  • Improvement : EA Countdown | Added background gradient option, separator styles, and List View option
  • Improvement : EA Pricing Table | Added Gradient background color for buttons
  • Improvement : EA Call to Action | Added Gradient Background, Multiple Buttons, and Sub-heading options
  • Improvement : EA Feature List | Added Radius corner for Icon Box, Individual Icon & List Styling, and Icon padding options
  • Improvement : EA Testimonials | Added spacing options for content, and more Styling layouts
  • Improvement : EA Image Accordion | Added content alignment, and image styling options
  • Fixed : Responsive issue for EA Feature List when connector is enabled
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 04, 2020


  • Fixed: PHP 7.4 compatibility
May 28, 2020


  • Added: EA Typeform widget
  • Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.0
  • Added: Heading Tags for EA Filterable Gallery
  • Added: Inline editing for EA Advanced Data Table
  • Added: Option to exclude/include Heading tags by Selector ID for EA TOC
  • Improvement: Code Splitting for better performance
  • Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery not playing Videos
  • Fixed: Conflict with WooCommerce Checkout
  • Fixed: PHP errors for EA Post Timeline
  • Fixed: Hover Card style issue with EA Post Grid
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
May 21, 2020


  • Fixed: Image Accordion not showing ‘Horizontal’ layout
  • Fixed: Info Box not showing ‘Margin’ option in ‘Advanced’ tab
May 03, 2020


  • Added: EA Woo Checkout element
  • Added: Vertical Layout for Image Accordion
  • Added: Post Grid option to open links in new tab
  • Fixed: Filterable Gallery with Shortened YouTube URL
  • Fixed: Filterable Gallery caption issue
  • Fixed: Gravity Forms styling issue
  • Fixed: Post Grid title length issue
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 29, 2020


  • Added: Formstack Widget
  • Added: EmbedPress Widget
  • Fixed: Toc hide issue in theme builder
  • Improvement: Event Calendar show year in Event Calendar Widget
  • ADDED: Toc hide/show option in mobile device
  • Improvement: Post Grid added individual control over author/categories/date
  • FIXED: BetterDocs > Search Form’s search icon size increase option fixed
  • Improvement: EA Dual Color Heading | Added multiple Tag support for headings
  • Improvements: EA Advanced Tabs
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
April 12, 2020


  • Improved Elements Keywords for better searchability
March 25, 2020


  • Updated: All widgets icon in elementor panel for better UI
  • Updated: Removed “EA” from all widgets name, you will see the “EA” icon instead
  • Added: Helper link in each widget sidebar for easy access to documentation
  • Added: WPML translation support for URL in Team Member
  • Added: as tag support in Tooltip
  • Added: Option to change heading tag in CTA
  • Fixed: Expansion indicator disappearence bug in Post Grid
  • Fixed: Polish letters displaying bug for Filterable Gallery
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 25, 2020


  • Improved : Advanced Data Table structure
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 15, 2020


  • AddedNinja Tables integration with EA Advanced Data Table element
  • Added : Progress bar dynamic value
  • Fixed : WooCommerce compatibility issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 12, 2020


  • Added : CTA box spacing control
  • Improvement : EA CTA > Add option to change heading tag
  • Fixed : Post Grid issue
  • Fixed : EA Post Carousel & EA Post Timeline > are not showing excerpt
  • Fixed : EA Post Grid | Expansion indicator disappearing issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 03, 2020


  • Added: Post Grid grid layout
  • Added: EA Pricing Table button show/hide option
  • Improvement: EA Gravity Form styling elements.
  • Fixed: EA Contact Form 7 issue with checkbox style
  • Fixed: EA Sticky Video issue with video bar in Astra theme
  • Fixed: Twitter Feed link redirect to 404
  • Fixed: Advanced Tabs support for EA Image Comparison Widget
February 24, 2020


  • Added: Table of Content global extension
  • Added: Event Calendar element
  • Fixed: Filterable Gallery | magnific popup background goes to top when closed
  • Fixed: Post Timeline | Overlay show hide with color choose option
  • Fixed: Gravity Forms | Thank you message color issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
February 16, 2020


  • Fixed: Admin notice comes after clicking on “Never show again”
  • Fixed: Sticky video SVG upload issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 23, 2020


  • Fixed: Moment not defined notice
  • Fixed: widgets not working on first load
January 14, 2020


  • Added: Advanced Data Table
  • Fixed: Circle progress not showing in safari
  • Fixed: Filterable Gallery | Column Number issue on Firefox
  • Fixed: Feature List Image issue
  • Fixed: Ninja Form Radio & Checkbox styles are not working
  • Fixed: Post Grid | Random Order shows duplicate posts when Load More is used
  • Fixed: Lightbox & Modal > Close Button positioning issue
  • Improvements: Advanced Tabs responsiveness
  • Improvements: Data Table sorting improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 6, 2020


  • Bugfix: Product grid responsive issue
  • Bugfix: 404 page assets loading
  • Bugfix: Data Table | Content Alignment (left/right)
  • Bugfix: Fancy text > not showing animation on edit mode
  • Bugfix: Tooltip ‘Text’- Content Type
  • Bugfix: Feature List Content text resizes when URL is added
  • Bugfix: Creative Button >> Winona >> Secondary text’s typography fix
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 9, 2019


  • Bugfix: Product Grid featured products issue fix
  • Bugfix: Form alignment fix for forms
  • Improvement: Height Control added on content elements
  • Improvement: Pricing table icon alignment control removed and used CSS to align the icon automatically
  • Improvement: Display Sticky video when scroll pass the video 50% to 200% (70% default)
  • Improvement: Sticky Video Height & Width change in Live Editor
  • Improvement: Maintain aspect ratio in height width on sticky video
  • Improvement: Changed label Sticky Video to ‘Choose Image’ and ‘Choose Icon’
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
November 27, 2019


  • Added : Sticky Video element
  • Added : BetterDocs Category Grid
  • Added : BetterDocs Category Box
  • Added : BetterDocs Search
  • Fixed : Style breaking issue after update
  • Fixed : Fixed: EA Tooltip | Longer content changes the alignment to center
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
November 14, 2019


  • Fixed : Style breaking issue after update
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
November 11, 2019


  • Conflict Fix: Elementor Pro Media Carousel
  • Fixed : Few Creative Buttons effects
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 31, 2019


  • Added : Facebook Feed widget with new graph API
  • Improved : Asset loading protocol
  • Bug fix: Query settings not updated (edited)
  • Bug fix: Query not working for export/import
  • Bug fix: Reading progress showing if disabled from settings panel
  • Filterable gallery filtering improvements
  • Post element CHOOSE controls are changed with the SWITCHER controls
  • Post elements read more button styles improvements
  • Creative Button improvements
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 30, 2019


  • Added: Fluent Form styler
  • Added: “EA Duplicator” extension to duplicate any page/post
  • Fixed: New elements not active by default
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 10, 2019


  • Added: Team Member content card height control
  • Added: Tootip icon size control
  • Fixed: SVG upload issue on all icon manager
  • Fixed: Post Elements exclude control missing
  • Fixed: Data Table header icon top position issue
  • Fixed: Data Table image icon squeezing issue
  • Fixed: Tooltip image trigger size issue
  • Fixed: Redirection issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 08, 2019


  • Added : Filterable Gallery new layout (Search & Filter)
  • Added: Post elements excerpt expanison indicator option field
  • Fixed: Post Grid hover not working
  • Fixed: Createive Button options not showing
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 26, 2019


  • Added : Option to enable/disable EA Quick Tools menu in admin bar
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 18, 2019


  • Improved : All post queries optimized to improve the load time and memory usage
  • Improved : Icon Manager optmized for better performance
  • Added : Content Timeline left and right layout
  • Fixed : Load More button overlapping issue
  • Fixed : Team Member icon issue
  • Fixed : Pricing Table style 3 and 4 ribbon issue
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
September 15, 2019


  • Icon Manager updated to new Font Awesome 5.x
  • Improved : Data Table mobile breakpoint updated
  • Added : Demo and Documentation links to element controller
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 08, 2019


  • Compatibility issue fixed with PHP 5.4 / 5.6
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 30, 2019


  • New Extension : Reading Progress Bar
  • Enhancement : Background Type option added to Creative Buttons, Advanced Tabs and Advanced Accordions
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 28, 2019


  • Twitter Feed masonry layout bug fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 14, 2019


  • Twitter Feed rebuilt with new API for better performance
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 10, 2019


  • Added : Post Grid read more button added
  • Fixed : Image Accordion duplication issue
  • Improved : WPML fields
July 04, 2019


  • Added : WPML support for all elements
  • Fixed : Manual post selection for all post elements
  • Fixed : Elements not working on blog page
  • Fixed : Elements not working properly on popup
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 01, 2019


  • Fixed: Global widget fatal error
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
June 12, 2019


  • Fixed: Global widget styles
  • Fixed: Filter Gallery grid class conflict
  • Fixed: Post Grid masonry
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
June 11, 2019


  • Fixed : Filterable Gallery button show without title
  • Fixed : Pricing Table mobile price overlaping issue
  • Fixed : ImageLoaded broken path
  • Fixed : Gravity Form inline spacing issue
  • Enhanced : Team Member social icons spacing control added
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
June 04, 2019


  • Fixed : Notice style breaking issue
  • Fixed : Pricing Table tooltip issue
  • Enhanced : ALT tag for all images throughout the elements
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
May 29, 2019


  • Fixed : Form styler alignment issue
  • Fixed : Creative Button styling issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
May 27, 2019


  • Refractored code for better performance
  • Minimized dependencies to keep the plugin lighter
  • Lots of bugfix and improvements
May 22, 2019


  • Fixed: assets not loading on archive pages
  • Fixed: load more button overflow issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
April 16, 2019


  • Feature List element improved
  • Dynamic file regenrating tools added
  • Nexted dynamic templates design issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
April 04, 2019


  • Feature List element added
  • Fixed few errors and conflicts
  • Advanced Tabs responsiveness improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 31, 2019


  • Refractored plugin structure for improved performance
  • Only one minified JS and one CSS file (if required for the widget) will be used on the page where EA element is being used
  • No extra asset will be loaded if you don’t use EA on any page
  • Massive performance improved minimizing the dependencies
  • Lots minor bugfix and improvements
March 27, 2019


  • Facebook Feed removed as it doesn’t work with new API
  • Version rollback feature removed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
February 28, 2019


  • Particles extension revamped
February 25, 2019


  • Admin side performance improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
February 17, 2019


  • Fixed: Product grid featured products loop not working
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
February 07, 2019


  • Product Grid layout issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 29, 2019


  • Fixed: Fatal error Call to undefined function get_plugins()
  • Fixed: View Details for other plugins in plugins page
January 27, 2019


  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 25, 2019


  • Fixed: Conflict with wp_mail function
January 23, 2019


  • Added : Section Particles effect
  • Added: Filterable gallery capability to remove All label
  • Enhancement : Product Grid element with more features
  • Fixed: invalid calc funciton in progressbar
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 23, 2019


  • Added : Version rollback option
  • Fixed : Data Table border issue
  • Fixed : EA Flipbox font color doesn’t change for the rear one
  • Fixed : EA Fancy text loop settings not working
  • Fixed : Filterable gallery layout issue
  • Fixed : Filterable Gallery newly added items video not playing
  • Fixed : Twitter feed masonry layout issue
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 24, 2018


  • Progress Bar revamped with faster and better script and styles
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 10, 2018


  • WPForms appearing issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 06, 2018


  • Filterable Gallery default style improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 4, 2018


  • Filterable Gallery improved with better scripts
  • Image Gallery issue fixed for Filterable Gallery
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
November 11, 2018


  • Filterable Gallery card hover effect issue fixed
  • Flibox image styling issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 23, 2018


  • Image Accordion styling issue fixed
  • Post Grid load more issue fixed
  • Post Timeline load more issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 18, 2018


  • Progress Bar widget added
  • Video card support added to Filterable Gallery
  • Multiple hover effects added to Post Grid
  • Icon changing option added to Post Grid
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 17, 2018


  • Nested Accordion support added (as saved template)
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 23, 2018


  • Table layout breaking issue fixed for larger data tables
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 16, 2018


  • Table script issue fixed
  • Advanced Tab content width issue fixed
  • Flipbox icon styling option added
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 10, 2018


  • Group control error fixed
  • Pricing Table active feature issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 28, 2018


  • Testimonial error fixed
  • Pricing Table tooltip issue fixed
  • Compatibility with PHP 5.4 fixed
August 26, 2018


  • (Make sure to clear cache and hard refresh the page after update)
  • Tooltip option added to Pricing Table widget
  • Testimonial element improved with more layout options
  • Flip Box element improved with more options
  • Countdown element improved
  • Post queries optimized for all post elements
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 17, 2018


  • Post elements improved and optimized
  • Info Box element improved
  • Flip Box element improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 02, 2018


  • (Make sure to clear cache nad hrad refresh the page after update)
  • Button elements improved
  • Fancy Text element improved
  • Image Accordion improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 23, 2018


  • Countdown element improved and Expire action added
  • Post Grid and Post Timeline query optimized and load more improved
  • Post Grid Masonry improved
  • Info Box layout improved and more options added
  • Content Ticker improved
  • Data Table responsiveness improved
  • Image Accordion improved
  • Fancy Text line breaking issue fixed
  • All form elements improved and optimized
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 22, 2018


  • WPForms element added
  • Author, Tags and Exclude posts options added to Post elements (Post Grid, Post Timeline)
  • “All” text change option for Filterable Gallery
  • Social feeds elements updated
  • Advanced Tabs scripts improved
  • Post Timeline scripts improved
  • Cell colspan feature added to Data Table
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 01, 2018


  • “On Sale Price” option added to Pricing Table element
  • Testimonial avatar display issue fixed
  • Advanced Tabs improved with custom icon option
  • Contact Form 7 updated
  • Ninja updated
  • Gravity updated
  • Caldera updated
  • Post Grid load more button position fixed
  • Filterable Gallery improved with less script dependency
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
June 03, 2018


  • Dynamic field support added to all elements
  • Saved Templates option added to content area (all possible elements)
  • Advanced Tabs vertical layout added
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
May 27, 2018


  • Tooltip element added
  • Advanced Tabs element added
  • Advanced Accordion element added
  • Info box improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
April 24, 2018


  • Image Accordion Element added
  • Content Ticker element added
  • Info Box element updated with flexbox layout
  • Twitter Feed element improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
April 04, 2018


  • Pricing Table improved
  • Documentation and other helpful content added to admin area
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 21, 2018


  • Filterable Galley control improved
  • Element saving improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
February 15, 2018


  • Filterable Ga
  • Lightbox Gallery conflict fixed with Elementor
  • Filterable Gallery control alignment fixed for mobile
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Data Table element improvements
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
  • lley control improved
  • Element saving improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 24, 2018


  • Data Table element added
  • Filterable Gallery added
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
January 01, 2018


  • Facebook Feed element added
  • Twitter Feed element added
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
December 21, 2017


  • Caldera Forms element added
  • HTML support added for Flip Box content
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
December 05 , 2017


  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
  • Admin notice removed
November 05, 2017


  • Ninja Form selector improved
  • Info box revamped. Now have more control.
  • Few minor improvements
November 28, 2017


  • Gravity Forms element added
  • Post Grid and Post Timeline load more improved
  • Load more functionality added for pages and any custom post types
  • Custom CSS/JS options removed from options panel
  • Few minor improvements
November 16, 2017


  • Ninja Forms element added
  • Load more functionality added to Post elements (Post Grid & Post Timeline)
  • Few presets added for Team Members, Countdown, Fancy Text
  • Few minor improvements
November 05, 2017


  • Several improvements for CTA, Info Box, Flip box and dual heading elements
  • Call to action width control and button control added
  • Pricing table options improved
  • Admin page improved and optimized
October 22, 2017


  • Pricing Table Element added
  • Flipbox element animation improved and more options added
  • Post Timeline responsiveness improved
  • Few minor improvements
October 15, 2017


  • More options added to CTA and Info Box elements
  • Flip box animation improved
  • Options panel improved and community support links added
October 03, 2017


  • Options Panel added
  • Elements control added. Now you can enable/disable certain elements.
  • Info Box element added.
  • Flip Box element added.
  • Dual color headline element added.
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
September 28, 2017


  • Post Grid (Masonry) element added
  • Few minor improvement
August 15, 2017


  • Element added for weForms (
August 01, 2017


  • Initial stable realese
July 20, 2017

Essential Addons Pro


  • Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'size')
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | not considering the "Show initial results" option
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox/Modal | Throwing the Warning: Undefined array key "eael_lightbox_closebtn_color"
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jul 03, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Improved: EA Advanced Search | Added Custom URL/Data support for search results
  • Improved: EA Post Carousel & Post Block | Added Double Fallback Image Controller
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | not compatible with the WP Event plugin
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Dropdown icon showing twice in some cases
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jun 05, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 22, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Flip Carousel | Showing pink hover background color on the navigation icon
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Card | Styling for Rear panel Color & Typography is not working
  • Fixed: EA Content Protection | After disabling Content Protection, a few options still visible
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post list | Smart Post List not working - JS error
  • Fixed: EA Sliders widgets aren't working properly while using as a saved template
  • Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Icons are not rendering
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | 'Add to cart' button disappears in Elementor Product widget if EA Product Slider is active on same page
  • Improved: Updated the new Twitter logo (X) for widgets with the Twitter icon
  • Improved: EA Image Comparison | Added image size controller
  • Improved: EA Post Carousel | Overlay option fallback image
  • Improved: EA Instagram Feed | Filtering feed by hashtag(#)
  • Improved: EA Offcanvas | Added an option to set close(X) icon position
  • Improved: EA Smart Post List | Added showing all the posts in All tabs
  • Improved: Conditional Display support For EA Woo Products widgets.
  • Improved: EA Advanced Search | Hiding 'All Categories' dropdown without disabling the include/ exclude option
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 05, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Collection | Throwing Fatal error when Show Badge option is enabled
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | HTML title on the post not rendering
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Navigation is not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Woo Account Dashboard | Not loading properly in frontend in certain themes
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Apr 23, 2024


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Apr 18, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Fancy Chart | Chart stylings aren't showing except for the bar
  • Fixed: EA Price Menu | WooCommerce product price is showing raw HTML tags
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | PHP and Array offset issue with Course List
  • Fixed: EA Counter | Animation is not working with scroll snap
  • Improved: EA Conditional Display | Add rules on show count
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 13, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Thumbnail icon is not showing for card style
  • Fixed: EA Flip Carousel | Unordered list or ordered list in the content area bugs
  • Fixed: EA Team Member | "Social on bottom" layout shows the HTML tag
  • Fixed: EA Woo Thank You | Added download option for virtual products
  • Improved: EA Fancy Chart | Symbol display option in the fancy chart
  • Improved: EA Fancy Chart | Option to style legends
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 13, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | Feed is getting broken on the front-end view
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | post excerpt doesn't show
  • Fixed: Saved Template Broken issues
  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 11, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Image is not clickable issue
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 01, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Throwing Fatal error when Hamburger option is enabled for Desktop device
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 17, 2024


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | SVG icon loading issue
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Typ• Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | SVG icon loading issue
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Typography Issue
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Cards | Vimeo video visibility issue
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | No Context Empty link creating issue
  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | Border radius issue
  • Improved: EA Particles Extension | Added support to control speed and opacity
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 15, 2024


  • Improved: License Mechanism
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 21, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Event Calendar | Event Details link is showing wrong for EventON source
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Read more button is not expanding fully
  • Fixed: EA Post Block | Unable to full-width post block section
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Using Elementor Flex container, when enabling "Show Field Icons" the facebook icon shifts
  • Fixed: EA Image Comparison | Image Comparison Widget space issue
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Woo Commerce 'don't allow PO box feature' isn't working with Split/Multi-step layouts
  • Fixed: EA Flip Carousel | Arrows aren't showing the same on all pages
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tooltip | Inside Elementor Popup tooltip not working
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Horizontal timeline does not scroll properly on mobile view.
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Post Columns default value not present in responsive
  • Improved: EA Advanced Search | Add option to hide the "Search" Button
  • Improved: EA Advanced Data Table | colspan for Header rows are not implemented
  • Improved: EA Smart Post List | Most Visited posts option
  • Improved: EA Dynamic Gallery | Prevent multiple clicks for Load More
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 14, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Facebook Login not working
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Google sign-in creates an account, even with registration off
  • Improved: EA Conditional Display | Dynamic tag => Post terms and Product terms
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | On Google 'Create An Account', user's First Name and Last Name does not get populated
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 27, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Custom post terms not showing
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Topbar Background colour controller is missing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Thank you | Woo Thank you widget - instruction does not display
  • Fixed: EA Toggle | Toggle is showing the box shadow while focusing on iPhone 12 or later versions
  • Improved: EA Smart Post List | Columns responsive unavailable at Tablet and Mobile Devices
  • Improved: EA Post Carousel | Post Carousel Overlay option
  • Improved: EA Advanced Search| Added an option to change “eael-advanced-search-category” and “eael-advanced-search-popular-keyword” from h4 tag to span/p
  • Added: All EA WooCommerce Related Products inside Elementor Theme Builder Archive & Single Product Templates
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 07, 2023


  • Added: New Widget | EA Fancy Chart
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 26, 2023


October 22, 2023


  • Added: New Widget | EA Woo Account Dashboard
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 09, 2023


  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | While filtering the courses the images/courses are overriding each other and some courses are disappearing
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | Exclude feature not working properly
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 02, 2023


  • Improved: Security Enhancement
  • Added: WooCommerce HPOS Support
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 14, 2023


September 07, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | Compatibility issue with WPML
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Throwing Error on PHP <= 7.2
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | TablePress content line breaking issue
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Zip/Post code showing invalid for different Shipping and Billing addresses
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Aug 24, 2023


  • Improved: EA Content Timeline | Added Scrollbar Styling support for Horizontal layout
  • Improved: EA Testimonial Slider | Added Option for number of slider items change on click
  • Improved: EA LearnDash Course List | Add Load more and Paginations support for the courses
  • Improved: EA Conditional Display | Added support to set Conditions based on URL variables
  • Improved: EA Flip Carousel | Added support for inserting Text content
  • Improved: EA Lightbox & Modal | Accessibility improvements.
  • Improved: EA Protected Content | Added Dynamic field support for Password
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Promo | Added WMPL support for Link URL
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Overlapping issue with Fade transition effect
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Responsive issue on horizontal layout
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Breakpoint and Responsive issues for the Layouts
  • Fixed: EA Off Canvas Menu | Added support to add only icon in the button
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Caret and Bullet alignment issue in Custom content source
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Aug 10, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | showing 0 on the search result
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas | Not saving changes when used it with Advanced Accordion with Flexbox container
  • Fixed: EA Counter | Number font family not working
  • Fixed: EA Tooltip | Starting to offset to the right of the icon when increasing tooltip width
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas | Country and State dropdown not working when adding it on checkout page
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Aug 03, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Protected Content | Showing the direct URL of the Youtube instead of the video itself
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas | H3 Tag visible on the page if added without the title
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
July 27, 2023


July 16, 2023


  • Improved: Added PHP 8.2 Compatibility Support
  • Improved: EA Content Protection | Added scrolling control for password field
  • Fixed: Swiper JS issue with All the Carousel Widgets
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
July 07, 2023


  • Improved: EA Protected Content | Error message offset settings and Style support
  • Fixed: EA EA Mailchimp | Form submission giving undefined error issue
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Jun 01, 2023


  • Improved: EA Content Timeline | Added Anchor link Support for Dynamic Post's Feature Image
  • Improved: EA LearnDash Course List | Added Dynamic Tag support for Single Course Template
  • Fixed: EA Post Grid | Undefined array key issue
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | HTML tag issue in the Post Date field
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Support for Upgraded Swiper Library
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | Added HTML tag support for Button text
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Compatibility issue with "The7" theme
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 22, 2023


  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form for Security Enhancement
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
May 11, 2023


  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | Fixed "No course found!" Translation issue
  • Fixed: EA One Page Navigation | Active status not showing while Scrolling
  • Improved: EA Smart Post List | Added 4 Columns support for List Posts
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 17, 2023


  • Fixed:Fatal error on PHP 8 or higher
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
April 04, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | Callback parameter issue
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Validation issue for post code
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | Added CartZilla theme compatibility
  • Fixed: Critical Error when running Elementor Data Updater
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
March 22, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Post Block | not showing “Read More” after enabling “Show Load More” button
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Throwing fatal error when using Google Spreadsheet without nameRange
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
February 07, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Avatar icon alignment not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | Popular keyword not working with 3 letters
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout | Translation not working perfectly in Multistep or Split layout
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Excluded the unusual CSS margin
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | HTML syntax not working in title
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Throwing Uncaught type error
  • Improved: EA MailChimp | Addded Double Opt-in API
  • Improved: EA Advanced Menu | Dropdown menu should remain opened or closed when clicking on the menu item area
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
January 25, 2023


  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Social login not working
  • Improved: EA Image Hotspots | Delay time added to the tooltip
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
December 22, 2022


  • Improved: EA Advanced Menu | Improved Compatibility with custom ID links on menu items
  • Improved: EA Advanced Menu | Improved Compatibility with custom ID links on menu items
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
November 22, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Login / Register Form | Security token did not match error
October 27, 2022


  • Improved: EA Content Timeline | Added “Horizontal” layout
  • Improved: EA Smart Post List | Scroll to the top after clicking on the pagination
  • Improved: EA Instagram Feed| Added option to control the caption length
  • Improved: EA Conditional Display | Multiple date and time picker
  • Improved: EA Dynamic Gallery | Added option to make Image clickable
  • Improved: EA LearnDash Course List | Added Exclude options
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Excerpt color not changing
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | Category dropdown icon being broken
  • Fixed: EA One page navigation | Strings to being translatable with WPML
  • Fixed: EA One Page Navigation | Custom SVG icons not getting the styles properly
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Dropdown menu not closing automatically when another one is opened
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | sorting option not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tooltip | Showing in the bottom section despite setting position at top
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Featured Post not showing on custom templates
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | {<br>} tag is not working in the username and company field
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Showing 'You did not pass reCAPTCHA challenge.' error even if it is passed
  • Fixed: EA Team Member Carousel | Custom Break Point not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | Media file search not working
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
October 26, 2022


  • Fixed: Throwing fatal error due to conflict with custom breakpoints & older Elementor versions
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 21, 2022


  • Improved: EA Cross-Domain Copy Paste | Added Full Page Copy/Paste option
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added MailChimp Integration for registration
  • Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added ReCaptcha v3 option
  • Improved: EA Testimonial Slider | Added "Read More" Button for long content
  • Improved: EA Advanced Search | Added option to define categories in the Editor and many more
  • Improved: EA Advanced Menu | Added Custom breakpoints for responsive devices
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | Fit to screen layout not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Number 0 is showing blank for Google Sheets as source
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Custom Break Point not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | Themes not working on Polygon type Map
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | Items not loading properly if multiple galleries are used in the same page
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Throwing Fatal error when custom post type is selected as source
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
September 21, 2022


  • Fixed: Elementor Paste Style not working when EA Conditional Display is activated
  • Fixed: EA Login | Register Form | Missing translatable strings 
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 29, 2022


  • Improved: Asset loading mechanism for better performance
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 11, 2022


  • Improved: Asset loading mechanism for better performance
  • Few minor bug fixes & improvements
August 11, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Filters not working on responsive devices
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | Undefined index error on legacy mode
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | Throwing Invalid taxonomy error
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
August 01, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Google Login not working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 05, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Post Block & EA Post Carousel | Image Sizes being Changed because of the image ratio option
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 27, 2022


  • Improved: EA LearnDash Course List | Added option to display categories, tags and enrolled labels
  • Improved: EA Content Timeline | Added option to display feature images for dynamic posts
  • Improved: EA advanced Search | Added option to "include" a certain category
  • Improved: EA MailChimp | Added tags option in the MailChimp form
  • Improved: EA Post Block | Added option to display Post Terms
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | Search functionality is not working on mobile devices
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Content not showing if different characters such as % is used
  • Fixed: EA Post Block | Throwing PHP Notice
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Description not being translatable
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | Category filters not loading properly
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Link not removing from Tooltip hover
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed Carousel | Replies being displayed in tweets
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 14, 2022


  • Added: WordPress 6.0 Compatibility
  • Improved: EA Team Member Carousel | Added Custom URL option to make images clickable for each team members
  • Fixed: EA Logo Carousel | Responsive Breakpoints not working
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Search | The border radius not working for search field style 2 or 3
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | Responsive settings not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Throwing error notice when hotspot type is text or blank
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | Customized Height not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Post Block | Title Tag not changing properly
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 25, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | Posts under child categories only loading inside "All" tab
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 10, 2022


April 19, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed Carousel | Latest feed data not showing automatically
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 12, 2022


  • Fixed: “_register_skins is depcrecated” error
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Responsive Breakpoints not working
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Cards | Rear side video content continuously playing despite closing it
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Popup dynamic field not showing in the content
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 23, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data table | When Remote database with different language is used as source
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | TablePress integration not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Tooltip background color not changing when global color is used
  • Fixed: EA Post Widgets | Extra attributes showing after load more button is pressed
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 08, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Social login error message not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas | Entrance Animation not working on Google Chrome Mac OS
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Conflict with Beehive Theme
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | Some Style options not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Image Comparison | Divider width and handle icon color not working in vertical mode
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Popup controller not showing in Content tab Link option
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | Post Terms not working for the Products
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Visible items not working properly for responsive devices
  • Fixed: EA Tooltip & Image Hotspots | Viber link not working
  • Fixed: EA Logo Carousel | Conflict with Lazy Loader
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Hamburger menu not showing in mobile view
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Filtering option not working properly
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
February 16, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | "Add Item" button not working in Polygon type
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
February 02, 2022


  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 27, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Parallax | Throwing Console Error
  • Added: EA Advanced Search | Throwing PHP Warning
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 27, 2022


  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | Modal text adding span tag at the end after pagination
  • Added: EA Advanced Search | Exclude taxonomy option
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 25, 2022


  • Improved: EA Advanced Data Table | SQL Queries for Database source
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Throwing error on PHP 8.0
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 19, 2022


  • Improved: EA Advanced Data Table | SQL Queries for Database source
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Throwing error on PHP 8.0
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 19, 2022


  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
December 30, 2021


December 26, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Static Product | Throwing Fatal Error when translating with WPML
  • Fixed: EA Static Product | Typography options not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Protected Content | Not working properly when saved template is used as content
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Menu | Sub-menu not expanding in vertical layout
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List | Video Thumbnail Not Working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
October 12, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | Map Icon color not working
  • Improved: EA Instagram Feed | Added 'alt' text in image tag
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | not working properly on responsive devices
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Columns not working properly on Preset 2 and 3
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas Menu | not working on "question marked" URL
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | not working if image is selected as trigger
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
September 26, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Date Format not getting from WordPress Setting
  • Fixed: Clicking on the arrow stopping all the Sliders
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas Menu | not working on "question marked" URL
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | not working if image is selected as trigger
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
September 1, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Toggle | Second toggle doesn't work if Nested template is used
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Manual ordering not working
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Styling issue on 9th post
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | Not working with icon/image type
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
August 19, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Learndash Course List | throwing PHP Warning
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Custom Template not loading from theme
  • Added: EA Team Member Carousel | Options to adjust height and width
  • Removed: Unused TweenMax library from EA Parallax
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
August 5, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | 'Show Category' option not functioning properly
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | Draft products being displayed on Edit Mode
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | 'Quick View' popup not showing properly when multiple images are used
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | "Load More" not working when custom template is used from Theme
  • Fixed: EA Woo Check Out | Broken 'Multi-Steps' layout in Neve theme
  • Fixed: Conflict with Jetpack with Slider elements
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 27, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | linked to the same post
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Safari browser crashing when links are set to "Open in New Window"
  • Fixed: EA Creative Buttons | Style controls not working properly for "Winona" & "Rayen" effects
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | swiperslider conflict with Jetpack
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 18, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Interactive Cards | no option to change heading tag for Counter text
  • Fixed: EA Image Comparison | On Hover setting not working on Frontend
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
July 7, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Parallax | Broken in Safari browser
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Image not being centered in some Styles
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspot | Showing black border when the tooltip is enabled
  • Improved: EA Woo Product Slider | Added buttons shadow, image size change option and add to cart style options for preset 3
  • Improved: EA Team Member Carousel | Added Custom Social Icon option
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 29, 2021


  • Improved: WPML Compatibility
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Filtering not working
  • Fixed: EA Content Protection | Not working properly if a certain user has multiple roles
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 15, 2021


  • Removed: Elementor deprecation methods
  • Added: Compatibility with PHP 8.0
  • Improved: EA Team Member Carousel | Added Snapchat & XING Social link options
  • Improved: Added Target_Blank options in post widgets
  • Improved: EA Testimonial Slider | Move navigation arrows outside of the box
  • Fixed: EA Post Block | Hover Card Style not working
  • Fixed: EA Dual Color Heading |Font Gradient color not changing
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Slider | Quick View not showing properly
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
June 7, 2021


  • Added: EA Woo Product Slider
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 9, 2021


  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 3, 2021


  • Improved: Query Optimization in dynamic widgets
  • Fixed: Conflict with swiperJS
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | showing wrong info for some markers on mobile screens
  • Fixed: EA Image Comparison | not loading properly initially
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course list | Image quality issue
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Uploaded SVG Icon not appearing
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Search result under Featured Post Settings not working for CPT
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
May 3, 2021


  • Fixed: Elementor\Scheme_Typography is deprecated
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 25, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Creative Button | SVG color not changing
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 13, 2021


  • Added: Cache Settings for EA Twitter Feed Carousel & Instagram Feed
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Custom Icon not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal | Multiple lightboxes redirecting to the same content
  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | ‘Sort By’ setting not being functional
  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | Same row repetition when "load more" is clicked
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Google Login will not redirect to the assigned login redirect link
  • Fixed: EA Protected Content | missing hover controls
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
April 11, 2021


  • Fixed: PHP error related to HTML tags validation
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 23, 2021


  • Added: Compatibility with Elementor latest versions
  • Fixed: Sanitized options in the Elementor HTML Tags
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 22, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Title Tag not working
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | categories not showing
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel | titles typography not working properly
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Google sheet data not showing properly
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Card | height not working if percentage value is used
  • Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | reCaptcha not working when used inside Elementor popup
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | ‘Show content’ and Typography not working properly
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
March 3, 2021


  • Fixed: Redirect issue for Single Site Licenses
  • Improved: EA Advanced Menu | Added menu alignment options, background colors & more
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | Zoom not working for ‘Multiple Markers’
  • Added: EA Image Comparison & EA Interactive Promo | added Dynamic tags
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Excerpt not showing for 9th post
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | not working for LearnDash courses
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Title Style controller not working when anchor tag is not used
  • Fixed: EA Protected Content | Content not support links from video sources
  • Fixed: EA MailChimp | Placeholder text not translatable
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | Excerpt not displaying when Filter control is turned off
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
February 23, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | Force square image option not working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 28, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Protected Content | Removed redirection if cookie is set
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Google Map | Lat/Long error when default value is null
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | Category filter not working for pages
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List | Preset 2 & 3 not working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
January 26, 2021


  • Fixed: EA Toggle | not working on WordPress 5.6
  • Fixed: EA Protected Content | ‘URL Redirection’ error
  • EA Content Timeline | Throws PHP error if Read More is Disabled
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | ‘Animation Out’ effect not working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
December 10, 2020


  • Added: RTL Support
  • Fixed: Broken style if Object Cache is enabled
  • Fixed: Pages showing blank after updating with Elementor
  • Improved: EA Smart Post List | New Preset Layouts
  • Improved: EA Post Block | New Preset Layouts
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
November 19, 2020


  • Added: Dynamic Tag/ACF Support for most widgets
  • Tweaked: Updated Repeater Control with Elementor 3.0
  • Fixed: PHP Error with EA Lightbox, Pricing Table & Woo Product Collections
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
November 12, 2020


  • Fixed: Critical Errors related to Template queries
  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | Caching issue
  • Fixed: EA Interactive Promo | missing icon
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
October 22, 2020


  • Revamped: Code Structure for better performance
  • Improved: Asset Generator method
  • Improved: Slow queries for Dynamic widgets
  • Added: Dynamic support for Post Widgets
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Tooltip throwing PHP error
  • Fixed: EA Parallax | Multi-Layer effect not working
  • Few minor bug fix and improvements
October 12, 2020


  • Added: Social Login for EA Login | Register Form
  • Added: Password Strength option for EA Login | Register Form
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 3, 2020


  • Fixed: Fatal error with Elementor 3.0.x when EA Parallax is activated
August 31, 2020


  • Fixed: Console error while deleting section and columns
August 30, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed | Database Cache issue
  • Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 20, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Toggle not working on WordPress 5.5
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 13, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed not showing Videos
  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed post limit issue
  • Fixed: EA Woo Checkout Coupons showing despite disabling from Woo Settings
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Feed Carousel | Content length issue
  • Removed: Duplicate separators from EA Advanced Menu
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 30, 2020


  • Added: New Asset Embed Method with External/Internal JS & CSS support
  • Fixed: EA Instagram Feed API Issue
  • Fixed: EA Team Member Carousel | PHP Error Notice
  • Fixed: Free version not installing automatically
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 16, 2020


  • Improvement : EA Post Carousel | Added margin & padding controls for Thumbnail & Content, and 2 more preset layouts
  • Improvement : EA Logo Carousel | Added hover background controls for Logos, and styling options for navigation arrows
  • Improvement: EA Image Comparison | Added controls to change the Image Overlay color
  • Improvement: EA Team Member Carousel | Added Gradient Background controls, and padding controls
  • Fixed: EA Image Hotspots images getting stretched
  • Fixed: EA Google Map not showing street view icon
  • Fixed: EA Woo Product Collections typos
  • Fixed: EA LearnDash Course List causing Fatal error when category is hidden
  • Fixed: EA Protected Content issue with Input field placeholder color not changing
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
June 17, 2020


  • Added: New Layouts: Split and Multi Steps for EA Woo Checkout
  • Added: Dynamic Link option for EA Interactive Promo
  • Added: Hamburger Menu Styling options for EA Advanced Menu
  • Improvement: Code Splitting for better performance
  • Fixed: Image not taking the full width of container in EA Image Hotspots
  • Fixed: EA Toggle not working for Twenty Twenty theme
  • Fixed: EA Content Toggle showing PHP Errors
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox & Modal issues
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List- Read More & Navigation issues
  • Fixed: Icon color not changing for EA Google Map
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
May 21, 2020


  • Added: Custom Password Message control for EA Protected Content
  • Added: Option to change 'Search' filed in EA Smart Post List
  • Fixed: Particles not showing on mobile devices
  • Fixed: Responsiveness issue with EA Instagram Feed
  • Fixed: EA Offcanvas jumping issue
  • Fixed: Fetching Repeat event data on EA Event Calendar- EventON
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
April 29, 2020


  • Added: Individual control over author/categories/date in EA Post Block
  • Added: Heading Tag options for EA Post Carousel
  • Added: Responsiveness option for EA Image Hotspots
  • Added: Disable option on mobile devices in EA Particles
  • Added: Style controls in EA Interactive Promo
  • Fixed: Load More Button text changes bug fixed in EA Instagram Feed
  • Fixed: Hide end date issue with EA Event Calendar- EventON
  • Fixed: Completed event issue with EA Event Calendar- EventON
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
April 12, 2020


  • New Integration: EventOn with Event Calendar
  • Updated: New widget icons in Elementor panel
  • Added: Helper link for each widget in Elementor panel
  • Added: FontAwesome supports for Offcanvas
  • Added: Option for showing 'Categories & Tags' for Post Carousel
  • Added: 'Visible Items' feature only for 'Slide' and 'Coverflow' effects in Carousels
  • Added: Text display option in hover style for EA Dynamic Gallery
  • Fixed: Offcanvas left and right transitions
  • Fixed: LearnDash course list layout issues
  • Fixed: Mobile Responsiveness issue for EA Post Carousel
  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel & EA Post Timeline excerpt bug
  • Fixed: 1 column bug in Smart Post List
  • Fixed: HTML tag not working bug in EA Content Timeline Custom Content
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
March 25, 2020


  • Fixed: EA Post Carousel & Logo Carousel Visibility issue
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List single column layout
  • Added: EA Testimonial Slider visibility controls
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
March 15, 2020


  • Fixed: EA MailChimp list limit issue
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery hover issue
  • Fixed: EA Divider- Vertical height width issue
  • Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table error if no table selected
  • Fixed: EA Lightbox compatibility with Elementor 2.9.x
  • Improved: EA Image Hotspots Tooltip select2 control
March 08, 2020


  • Fixed: EA MailChimp form submission issue
March 01, 2020


  • Added: Google Sheets, and TablePress integration in EA Advanced Data Table
  • Added: ul, ol support in EA Interactive Promo
  • Fixed: EA Smart Post List pagination not working
  • Fixed: Multiple Content Protection Widget & Extension conflict in a page
  • Fixed: Mailchimp subscription button not working
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline excerpt indicator not working
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider centre align not working
  • Fixed: PHP deprecated method notice
  • Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider flip effect not showing correctly
  • Fixed: EA Twitter Carousel pagination on Tablet & Mobile devices
  • Fixed: EA Content Timeline headings are link by default
February 24, 2020


  • Fixed : EA Divider Vertical Layout
  • Fixed : EA Dynamic Gallery not fetching 'Pages'
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
December 10, 2019


  • Added : Content Height Control for Post Block & Testimonial Slider
  • Added: Team Member Carousel links open in new tab
  • Fixed : EA Particles error
  • Fixed: Offcanvas Template Font Awesome Icon issue
  • Fixed: Interactive Card's Close Button
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
November 27, 2019


  • Added : Instagram Feed Layouts
  • Added: Creative Buttons Icon conditions
  • Fixed: Content Timeline images not showing
  • Fixed : Automatic Update issue
  • Fixed: Slider elements navigation icons
  • Fixed: Conflict with Elementor Media Carousel
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
October 31, 2019


  • Improved : All post queries optimized to improve the load time and memory usage
  • Improved : Icon Manager optmized for better performance
  • Added : Content Timeline left and right layout
  • Fixed: Instagram gallery layout issue
  • Fixed: Tooltip tag issue fixed
  • Fixed: Google Map polyline, polygon, routes fix
  • Fixed: LearnDash masonry layout breaking issue
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
September 16, 2019


  • New : Icon Manager updated with Font Awesome 5
  • New : LearnDash Course List element added
  • Fixed: Image Hotspots link issue
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
August 19, 2019


  • Twitter Feeds and Twitter Carousel updated with new API for better performance
  • Added : WPML Support for "Load More" in post elements
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
July 10, 2019


  • New Extension : Content Protection
  • Added : WPML Support for most of the elements (rest are coming in next update)
  • Added : Post Block, Post Grid, Post Carousel read more button
  • Fixed : Image Hotspot link not working
  • Fixed : License deactivation issue
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
July 03, 2019


  • Added : Manual post selection option to all Post Elements
  • Fixed : Interactive card video issue
  • Fixed : License unvalidation issue
  • Enhanced : Instagram Feed with API instead of JS library dependency
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
June 16, 2019


  • Fixed : Particle effects issue
  • Fixed : Interactive Promo link issue
  • Fixed : Smart Post List issue
  • Fixed : Woo Collections error
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
June 04, 2019


  • Added : ALT tag for all images throught the plugin
  • Fixed : Post List excerpt issue
  • Enahcnement : Image Comparison element script improved
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
June 01, 2019


  • Fixed : Plugin automatic updater
  • Fixed : Parallax error
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
May 29, 2019


  • Fixed : Ajax Post Search
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
May 27, 2019



  • Merged: Free & Pro
  • Global Modular Control
  • Clear Cache Tool


  • Code Structure Revamped
  • Only one minified JS and one CSS file for all the elements
  • No extra asset will be loaded if EA isn't used on any page
  • Fixed: IE Compatibility
  • Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery Product Query
  • Few Minor Bugfix and Improvements
May 23, 2019


  • Improved : Global Tooltip extension
  • Improved : Smart post list advanced layout
  • Improved : Advanced Menu element
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 20, 2019


  • Added : Global Tooltip extension
  • Added : Smart post list advanced layout
  • Fixed : Filterable gallery layout issue
  • Fixed : Menu breaking issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
March 07, 2019



  • Fixed: Particles z-index issue
  • Fixed: Product grid broken on some theme
  • Fixed: Product grid layout conflict with woo layout
  • Added: Logo Carousel alt tag
  • Added: Advanced menu skins
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 31, 2019



  • License deactivation issue fixed
  • Advanced Menu more features added
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
January 24, 2019



  • Particles (Section) added
  • Parallax (Section) added
  • Advanced Menu element added
  • Woo Product Collections element added
  • Image Scroller element added


  • Product Grid new layouts added
  • Fancy text loop settings improved
  • Filterable gallery layout and load more issue fixed
  • Twitter feed masonry layout issue
  • Tweet mode to show the whole tweet
  • Cart button added for post elements to support product type properly
  • Filterable gallery capability to remove 'All' label
  • Advanced Map improved
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
January 15, 2019


  • Advanced Map control buttons issue fixed
  • Mailchimp submission issue fixed
  • Progress bar improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 13, 2018


  • WPForms appearing issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
December 6, 2018


  • Offcanvas Content element added
  • Image COmparison element improved
  • All carousels element improved
  • Contact Form 7 widget alignment issue fixed
  • Lightbox element improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
November 27, 2018


  • "Exit Intent" added to Lightbox element
  • Filterable Gallery and Dynamic Gallery revamped and optmized
  • Google map api key missing notice feature added
  • Post elements improved and optimized
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
November 15, 2018


  • Filterable Gallery card hover issue fixed
  • Flipbox back image styling issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 23, 2018


  • Post List issue fixed
  • Google Map script loading improved (if you leave the API key blank, it won't load the map script)
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 20, 2018


  • Video card support added to Filterable Gallery
  • Multiple hover effects added to Post Grid, Post Block and Post Carousel
  • Icon changing option added to Post Grid, Post Block and Post Carousel
  • - Progress Bar element improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
October 17, 2018


  • Content Timeline animation improved
  • Nested Accordion feature added (as saved template)
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 23, 2018


  • Progress Bar element added
  • Flip Box improved (Clear cache if you are using)
  • Table widget random layout breaking fixed
  • Pricing Table tooltip option added
  • Testimonial widget improved with more options
  • Creative Button improved
  • Post Queries improved
  • Instagram load more improved
  • Advanced Tab content width issue fixed
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
September 11, 2018


  • Protected Content element added
  • Dynamic Gallery improved with new post query
  • Countdown element improved
  • Info Box element improved
  • Interactive Cards element improved
  • Image Hotspots tooltip issue fixed
  • Testimonial Slider improved
  • Data Table custom responsiveness option added
  • Flipbox element improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
August 13, 2018


  • Manual selection option added to post elements
  • All Post elements improved and query minimized
  • Data Table mobile responsiveness improved
  • Testimonial element improved with new layout options
  • Team Members element improved with new layout options
  • Creative Buttons element improved
  • Few minor bugfix and improvements
July 29, 2018


  • Content Toggle bug fixed
  • Carousel elements navigation issue fixed
  • Countdown element improved and expire action added
  • All Post elements query optimized and load more functionality improved
  • Post Grid Masonry improved
  • Info Box layout improved and more options added
  • Content Ticker scripts and layout improved
  • Data Table responsiveness improved
  • Image Accordion scripts improved
  • Interactive Cards scripts improved
  • Lightbox scripts improved
  • Fancy Text line breaking issue fixed
  • All form elements improved and optimized
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
July 23, 2018


  • WPForms element added
  • Counter element added
  • Fancy Divider element added
  • Logo Carousel element added
  • Post Carousel element added
  • Team Member Carousel element added
  • Image Hotspot element added
  • Price Menu element added
  • One Page Navigation element added
  • Instagram Feed improved with more options
  • Author and Tags filtering added to all Post elements (Post Grid, Post Block, Post List, Post Carousel, Post Timeline, Content Timeline)
  • Exclude posts option added to all Post elements
  • Theme options and other controls added to Google Map element
  • Filterable Gallery link and z-index issue fixed and "All" text customization option added
  • Social Feeds (Facebook & Twitter Feed) API updated
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
July 1, 2018


  • Data Table cell colspan feature added
  • "On Sale Price" option added to Pricing Table element
  • Advanced Tabs custom icon option added
  • Flip Carousel element improved
  • Testimonial avatar display issue fixed
  • Contact Form 7 updated with more controls
  • Gravity Forms updated with more controls
  • Ninja Forms updated with more controls
  • Caldera Forms updated with more controls
  • Post Grid load more button position fixed
  • Filterable Gallery improved with less script dependency
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
June 4, 2018


  • Mailchimp element added
  • Content Toggle element added
  • Dynamic field support added to all elements
  • Saved Templates option added to content area (all possible elements)
  • Advanced Tabs vertical layout added
  • Lots of minor bugfix and improvements
May 27, 2018


  • Advanced Google Map element added
  • Instagram Gallery pagination (load more) feature added
  • Instagram Gallery squared image option added
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
May 6, 2018


  • Advanced Accordion element added
  • Advanced Tabs element added
  • Tooltip element added
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
April 25, 2018


  • Image Accordion element added
  • Smart Post List element added
  • Content Ticker element added
  • Pricing Table element improved
  • Info Box element updated with flexbox layout
  • Twitter Feed element improved
  • Facebook and Twitter Feed elements improved
  • Filterable Gallery improved
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
April 4, 2018


  • Lightbox conflict fixed with Elementor gallery
  • Licensing improved, you might need to revalidate
  • Automatic update process improved
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
January 28, 2018


  • Filterable Gallery control alignment fixed for mobile
  • Data Table element improvements
  • Interactive Cards improvements
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Few minor bug fixed and improvements
January 24, 2018


  • Some glitch fixed from 2.5.1
January 6, 2018


  • Facebook Feed Carousel element added
  • Twitter Feed Carousel element added
  • Filterable Gallery element added
  • Dynamic Filterable Gallery aelement added
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
January 2, 2018


  • Data Table element added
  • Facebook Feed element added
  • Twitter Feed element added
  • Caldera Forms element added
  • Ninja forms element improved
  • Load more improved for post elements
  • Info box improved
  • Flipbox HTML support added
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
December 18, 2017


  • Content Timeline element added
  • Gravity Forms element added
  • New auto update feature added
  • Instagram Gallery link fixed
  • Post Grid, Post Block and Post Timeline load more functionality improved
  • Custom CSS/JS options removed from options page. Use customizer instead.
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
November 15, 2017


  • Ninja Forms element added
  • Load more functionality added to Post elements (Post Grid, Post Block & Post Timeline)
  • Few presets added for Team Members, Countdown, Fancy Text
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
November 5, 2017


  • Interactive Cards element added
  • Several improvements for CTA, Info Box, Flip box and dual heading elements
  • Call to action width control and button control added
  • Pricing table options improved
  • Admin page improved and optimized
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
October 29, 2017


  • Flip Carousel improved
  • Pricing Table updated with more options
  • Flipbox animation improved and more options added
  • Info Box improved
  • Post Timeline responsiveness improved
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
October 15, 2017


  • Flip Carousel element added
  • Animation improved for Flip Box
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
October 10, 2017


  • Pricing Table element added
  • More options added to CTA, Info Box, Flip Box elements
  • Options panel improved
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
October 5, 2017


  • Options Panel added
  • Elements control added. Now you can enable/disable certain elements.
  • Info Box element added.
  • Flip Box element added.
  • Dual color headline element added.
  • Static Product element added.
  • Call to Action element added.
  • Few minor bug fixes and improvements.
September 29, 2017


  • Star rating feature added to Testimonials and Testimonials Slider
September 12, 2017


  • Lightbox bug fixed
August 17, 2017


  • Post Grid element added (Masonry)
  • Post Block element added
  • Few minor issue fixed
August 10, 2017


  • Element added for weForms (
August 1, 2017


  • WooCommerce Product Grid element improved
  • Contact Form 7 element added
July 15, 2017


  • WooCommerce Product Grid element added
  • Few minor issue fixed
July 13, 2017


  • Post Timeline image ratio improved
  • Default typography improved
July 12, 2017


  • Testimonial slider added
  • Some minor issues fixed
July 11, 2017


  • Team Members added
  • Testimonials added
  • Some color scheme adjusted
July 11, 2017


  • Initial release
July 10, 2017