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Filterable Gallery

3 min read

How to Configure and Style EA Filterable Gallery #

EA Filterable Gallery is going to help you design & display a beautiful gallery layout for your custom contents with ease.

How to Activate Filterable Gallery #

To use this Essential Addons element, find the ‘EA Filterable Gallery‘ element from the Search option under the ‘ELEMENTS’ tab. Simply just Drag the ‘EA Filterable Gallery’ into the ‘Drag widget here’ section.

EA Filterable Gallery

After you are successfully done with this step, this is how the element is going to look like:

EA Filterable Gallery


How to Configure the Content Settings #

Under the ‘Content’ tab, you will find the ‘Settings’ option.

Settings #

From the ‘Settings’ option you can choose the number of images you want to show, and also set the ‘Animation Duration’ as well. You can select the number of ‘Columns’ to be displayed, choose between ‘Grid Style’ and ‘Masonry Style’ and adjust the ‘Image Height’.

EA Filterable Gallery


You will have three different layouts to choose for your EA Filterable Gallery: ‘Overlay’, ‘Card’ and ‘Search & Filter’ layout. Besides, you can change the ‘Hover Style’, ‘Hover Transition’ speed, choose your icons for ‘Lightbox’ and ‘Link’ and toggle ‘Show Popup Caption’ and ‘Full Image Clickable’.

EA Filterable Gallery


Filterable Controls #

You can either Disable or Enable Filter, change the ‘Gallery All Label’ and Add/ Edit/ Copy/ Delete List Items.

EA Filterable Gallery


Gallery Items #

You can individually edit the Gallery Items in your gallery. Pick an existing image from the media library or upload a new one. Insert the keyword you want the item to respond to. Type in the keyword in the Control Name field. You can also change the Item Name and Content from here.

EA Filterable Gallery


You can also Enable/Disable Gallery Lightbox and Gallery Link button. If the Gallery Link button is enabled, provide a link in the URL box and select your preferred redirection option.

EA Filterable Gallery


Click to See Live Demo #

Load More Button #

By enabling the ‘Load More Button’ option, you can set ‘Images Per Page’ and change the Button Texts, Size & Alignment.

EA Filterable Gallery


How to Style Filterable Gallery #

Move on to the ‘Style’ tab to style all the elements of Filterable Gallery.

General Style #

From ‘General Style’ section, you are able to change the ‘Background Color’ of Filterable Gallery. If you want, you can even add a ‘Border Type’ and then modify its styling as well. You can even add ‘Box Shadow’ as well.

EA Filterable Gallery


Others #

Filterable Gallery Style tab gives you the opportunity to modify the appearance of the whole gallery as per your wish. You will have the flexibility to add styling to the Control, Item, Icons & Load More Button.

EA Filterable Gallery

Besides, you are able to add styling to hover view for Item and Video items as well. Moreover, you can change the Typography of the contents as well.


Final Outcome #

By following the basic steps and a bit more modifying, you can style your Filterable Gallery content as per your preference.

EA Filterable Gallery


This is how you can showcase an amazing image/video gallery using EA Filterable Gallery.

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